School of Arts and Sciences

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Israeli and Palestinian Voices for Peace: An Evening with the Parents Circle - Families Forum

September 26, 6:00-7:30 pm | Rapaporte Treasure Hall

The School of Arts and Sciences is pleased to welcome the Parents Circle to Brandeis University for an evening of thoughtful conversation and reflection.

The Parents Circle - Families Forum is a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization made up of more than 750 bereaved families. Their common bond is that they have lost a close family member to the conflict. But instead of choosing revenge, they have chosen a path of reconciliation. Through their educational activities, these bereaved members have joined together to take tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis on journeys of reconciliation. It is often raw and always emotional. But out of these interactions, comes change. Not the kind of change that makes headlines, but a more personal and profound shift in perspective.

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