The investigation or settlement of claims against the university should not be undertaken by a department, college or other unit. If you become aware of a claim, or if someone presents a claim against the university, the claim should be referred to the Department of Insurance and Risk Management.
Under no circumstances should a department, college or other unit on any campus pay money to settle a claim without the express approval of Insurance and Risk Management and the Office of General Counsel.
Instructions for Completing a Public Injury/Property Damage Report
When operating a facility open to the public, things can happen; people may get injured, and property may get damaged. When an incident does occur, you and/or your staff should report all accidents/incidents immediately to the Department of Public Safety (781-736-5000), which will submit an accident report form to the Department of Insurance and Risk Management.
The accident/incident report is not an admission of fault by the university. It is a means of gathering information surrounding an injury or damage that occurred. The details provided assist the Department of Insurance and Risk Management in conducting a further investigation of the incident.
Your Responsibilities
- Assess the situation and contact appropriate authorities as needed.
- Document the incident using the accident/incident report.
- Show concern, but don't make any promises or financial commitments on behalf of the university.
- If possible, answer questions or direct them elsewhere. For example, if the harmed party asks, "What is the university going to do about this?" then your response would be, "My responsibility is to document the information." Any questions should be directed to Public Safety and the Department of Insurance and Risk Management.
Responsibilities of the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Insurance and Risk Management's
- Investigate the incident to determine if the university is legally responsible.
- If necessary, communicate with the "harmed" party.
- Involve appropriate campus personnel if a safety issue is identified.