Budget Process
Operating Budget
Policies / Parameters
Endowment Policy
Areas should plan to budget up to the expected payout of each endowment fund based on the University's approved spending policy. During the winter/spring prior to the start of the new fiscal year, the Office of Budget and Financial Planning will send the endowment payouts by fund to each unit for the upcoming fiscal year budget.
If you receive a new endowment fund after the budget process is complete or during the new fiscal year and it is eligible for payout, you may adjust your budget to include the new amount by contacting the Office of Budget and Financial Planning.
Please contact the Office of Budget and Financial Planning if you have any questions.
Gift Budgeting
Areas should budget what they expect to spend from a gift, up to the current gift balance and considering any applicable overhead charges.
Areas are encouraged to submit budgets for every gift that they expect to use, including gifts received during the fiscal year. If you receive a gift after the budget process is complete or during the new fiscal year, you may adjust your budget to include the new amount by contacting the Office of Budget and Financial Planning.