Purchasing Card (P-Card)

The Purchasing Card (P-Card) Program is intended to provide a simple, efficient and cost-effective means of purchasing non-repetitive, low-dollar items.

The P-Card is a Wells Fargo commercial card. It can be used for buying goods and services on behalf of Brandeis University and travel expenses when traveling on official Brandeis business.

This guide outlines the benefits of the program as well as the benefits to you and the university. It also provides you with the information you need to use the card.


To the Cardholder

  • Eliminate the need for Purchase Orders for small purchases.
  • Allows you to purchase items much faster and easier than traditional purchase/payment methods.
  • Eliminates the need to obtain a Vendor ID for every purchase.
  • Eliminates the hassle of using your personal credit card and getting reimbursed.

To the University

  • Enables staff to be more productive on more value added activities
  • Reduces the number of Requisitions/Purchase Orders, invoices and checks.