Breaking into marketing with Brandeis GPS
December 5, 2023

Ginelle Testa MS’22 used her GPS degree to switch careers and break into the marketing field.
I'm Ginelle Testa and I currently serve as a content and social media manager at an edtech startup called Labster. In 2022, I graduated with an M.S. in Digital Marketing and Design from Brandeis GPS.
When I began my journey as an online student at GPS, I was nervous that I’d never get a job. After all, I had no experience in marketing — so how could I? I was working as an administrator in the fundraising department at Brandeis, so there was no connection between marketing and my previous career, and I thought I had no way to break into the field.
However, my classes and amazing instructors at Brandeis GPS prepared me to be a true marketer, helping me to understand challenging concepts like conversion rate optimization, search engine optimization, and writing for marketing campaigns.
Even while still enrolled in the program, and with only a few classes remaining, I was able to apply what I had learned and secure a position as a marketing specialist at a nonprofit organization. This marked a promising start to my career, and I was thrilled to finally break into the field that I was passionate about.
After graduating, I transitioned to my current role at Labster, which has proven to be a fulfilling and rewarding opportunity that aligns perfectly with my marketing aspirations. Within less than a year, I received a promotion, and I am now actively working towards my second promotion before my second year with the company. I credit much of my success to the preparation I received at GPS and the prestige associated with holding a master's degree.
This post was written by Ginelle Testa MS'22. Learn more about the M.S. in Digital Marketing and Design.