Current Faculty and Postdoctoral Associates
Expertise: geometric group theory, topology
Expertise: symplectic and contact geometry, h-principle techniques, Weinstein manifold geometry
Expertise: combinatorics, probability
Expertise: combinatorics, reflection groups
Expertise: scientific computing, fluid dynamics, and mathematical biology
Expertise: algebraic geometry and graph theory
Expertise: representations of quivers
Expertise: mathematical biology, developmental biology
Expertise: dynamical systems research, with a particular focus on prediction and inference via machine learning methods
Expertise: dynamics, lie groups, number theory
Expertise: representation theory, Calabi-Yau Geometry, string theory
Expertise: algorithms, optimization, statistics and data science
Expertise: ergodic theory, dynamical systems and number theory.
Expertise: geometric group theory, topology
Expertise: number theory and representation theory
Expertise: homogeneous dynamics, number theory
Expertise: discrete subgroups of lie groups, arithmetic groups, dynamical systems
Expertise: algebraic geometry, Donaldson-Thomas theory, stability conditions
Expertise: Probability, stochastic processes, bifurcation theory and mathematical modeling in biology
Expertise: mathematical biology, differential equations, dynamical systems, multiple timescale dynamics.
Expertise: biostatistics, clinical trials, statistics education, health economics, and business analytics
Emeriti Faculty
Expertise: analysis, differential equations, completely integrable systems, random matrix theory
Expertise: geometric group theory, topology
Expertise: combinatorics
Expertise: classical algebraic geometry
Expertise: number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, commutative algebra
Expertise: nonlinear partial differential equations, calculus of variations in geometry and mathematical physics, transformation groups
Expertise: combinatorics, elementary education
Expertise: geometric topology, gauge theory
Expertise: algebraic groups, transformation groups
Expertise: stochastic processes, Korteweg-deVries equation, Toda lattices