
Academic Department

Primary department of academic appointment; populated by Workday.


Courses taught by the appointee or service to the profession. Service is updated by faculty and researchers; courses are listed from Workday. Previously listed as Courses Taught in the former Faculty Guide.


Assets refer to the different types of scholarship that can be found in an appointee’s profile. For a complete list, refer to Scholarship Asset Types.

Describe Your Research

This was previously listed as “Profile” in Sage (for faculty hired prior to February 2022). This is an editable field in ScholarWorks. Brevity and succinctness are recommended. Previously known as “Expertise” in Sage; also, part of profile in the former Faculty Guide.

Display Name

Preferred Name in Workday.

Display Title

Your display title is your title at Brandeis; it is populated from Workday. You may not edit this field.


List of degrees received; populated from Workday. Previously listed as “Degrees” in the former Faculty Guide.


Previously listed as “Awards and Honors” in the former Faculty Guide, this is a list of honors bestowed upon the appointee/researcher/scientist/scholar.


These are links to webpages that appointees use for personal and professional purposes to highlight their scholarship or research projects. Provided through LDAP and Smart Harvesting.

In the Media

Articles where you are quoted or your scholarship is referenced, podcast guest appearances, interviews where you are quoted as an expert, etc. (similar to the email Brandeis communications sends to campus). Currently unavailable for editing.

Organizational Affiliations

Internal Brandeis affiliations are populated from data in Workday — you will not be able to edit internal affiliations. Previously listed as “Departments and/or Programs” in the former Faculty Guide. External affiliations, such as affiliation with other non-Brandeis universities or research institutions, may be added by emailing metadata@brandeis.edu.


Research projects; updated via faculty member or researcher.

Public Profile Link

Generated URL from ScholarWorks.

Research Identifiers

ORCiD ID or Scopus ID (populated by the researcher/scientist/scholar).

Research Topics

Keywords used to define search and browse criteria in ScholarWorks and World Wide Web search engines. This field should not contain sentences — just keywords or a brief phrase. Previously listed as “Expertise” in the former Faculty Guide.


Publications, media, blogs, podcasts and other types of output that the faculty member, researcher, scientist or scholar has authored or hosted. These are collected through Smart Harvesting as well as through entries made by the appointee. Users do not have to provide links to their scholarship; type in the name of the asset and ScholarWorks will search for the article and create the link from your profile. Previously listed as “Scholarship” in the former Faculty Guide.

Smart Harvesting

Smart Harvesting is exploratory and searches for assets on behalf of the researcher, scholar, scientist and appointee. It captures publications (articles, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, book reviews and reports). It currently does not capture datasets, patents or creative works. It is an ongoing process within ScholarWorks.