General Sociology Department and Graduate School Policies
Student Evaluation and Progress to the Degree
Admission to graduate programs is granted for one academic year at a time. Every student pursuing work for a degree, whether or not currently in residence, must register at the beginning of each term. All Sociology graduate students will be evaluated by the Graduate Committee, with input from the Sociology faculty at large, each spring. Before this evaluation, each student must complete a self-assessment, which will be included as part of the evaluation discussion. At this evaluation the records of all graduate students will be carefully reviewed with reference to timely completion of course work and requirements, quality of work, and teaching.
For students whose records are deemed insufficient, the Department can act up to and including requiring leaves of absence or withdrawal from the program.
Note: Any grade below B-, or a grade of "NC" (no credit), is an unsatisfactory grade in the Graduate School. A course in which the student receives an unsatisfactory grade will not be counted toward graduate credit.
Graduate School Deadlines
Students should be aware of the deadlines for completion of the various degree requirements. These may be found in the Academic Calendar, which is published each year by the University Registrar.
Transfer Credit
After completing at least one year of residence at a full-time rate or the equivalent at a part-time rate, PhD students may apply for credit for graduate-level courses completed elsewhere. A maximum of one year of residence credit may be granted.
Students entering the PhD program with an MA in sociology or an equivalent social science may petition the departmental Graduate Committee for a reduction of the required course load by as many as six courses (reducing the required load from 18 to as few as 12 courses). Pending approval from the Committee, up to two of these courses can be applied to the graduate-level Sociology department seminar requirements. These petitions should be submitted during the fall of a student's second year in the program. Courses being transferred must carry a grade of B or better, and must have been earned at an appropriately accredited institution.
Transfer credit is not allowed for the MA degree in Sociology or the joint MA in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Sociology.
Incomplete Courses
A course grade of "Excused Incomplete," unless given by reason of a student's failure to attend a final examination, must be made up prior to the end of the term following the term in which it was received. The Registrar's deadline for submitting to instructors any incomplete work from the Spring 2020 term is June 17, 2020. The Registrar's deadline for submitting to instructors any incomplete work from the Fall 2019 term is January 30, 2020. Failure to complete a course on time can jeopardize a student's academic standing.
Leaves of Absence
Leaves of absence are granted for one year, renewable on petition. To obtain a leave of absence a student must petition the departmental Graduate Committee in writing. Before applying, the student should discuss the matter with his/her advisor or committee chair. After Graduate Committee approval, the leave request is sent to the Graduate School, which will make the final decision and notify the student. Conditions for reinstatement are ordinarily set when the leave is granted, and include completion of outstanding work. Petitions for reinstatement will be considered by the Graduate Committee and the Graduate School.
- Undergraduate Program
Graduate Programs
- Admissions Information
- Doctorate in Sociology (PhD)
- Joint Doctoral Program
- Joint Master's Program
- Areas of Study
- Learning Goals
- Featured Alumni
- Student Publications
- Funding Opportunities
Graduate Handbook
- Appendices
- Introduction
- People and Committees
- The PhD in Sociology
- The Joint PhD in Sociology and Social Policy
- The Master of Arts in Sociology
- General Sociology Department and Graduate School Policies
- Resources and Facilities
- Previous Handbooks
- General Information
- People
- In Support of Black Lives Matter
- News and Events
- Helpful Links
- Contact Us
- Home