Graduate Programs

Professor Carmen Sirianni
The department offers three graduate degree programs:
- The doctoral program that leads to a PhD in Sociology. Students enrolled in this program may elect to earn an MA in Sociology or a joint master's degree in Sociology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies along the way to the PhD.
- A joint doctoral program in Sociology and Social Policy with the Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
- A joint master's program in Sociology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies that leads to an MA in Sociology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
Theory and Methods
In addition to our three main topical areas, the department also provides students with a thorough training in theory and methodology. The department's long tradition of cutting edge theory and qualitative research has been deepened and renovated over the years since Everett Hughes, Kurt Wolff, Lewis Coser and Egon Bittner gave them their distinctive stamp.
Our theory curriculum covers classical, contemporary, and critical social theory. Methodological training includes field methods and ethnography, as well as comparative, historical and quantitative research.
Many faculty and students also combine their research with an active engagement in social movements, community and institutional renewal, and efforts at building peace, civil rights, environmental sustainability and social justice.