2024 Summer Course Syllabi
Summer 2024 course syllabi will be posted throughout Spring 2024. Syllabi are posted here as soon as we receive them from instructors. If you do not see a syllabus for the course you want, you may contact the instructor and ask them to send a draft syllabus to the Summer School for posting.
Note: These are draft syllabi and may represent the course from the most recent semester that the instructor taught the course. All course syllabi are subject to change.
- AMST/MUS 35A Rock, Country and Hip-Hop: History of American Popular Music in Extended Session with Taylor Ackley
- ANTH 1A Introduction to Anthropology in Session II with Syed Taha Kaleem
- ANTH 5A Human Origins in Session II with Javier Urcid
- ANTH 116A Human Osteology in Session II with Javier Urcid
- BCHM 88B Introductory Biochemistry in Session I with Kene Piasta
- BIOL 12A Introductory Biology Laboratory in Session II with Deani Cooper
- BIOL 12B Introductory Biology Laboratory in Session I with Jessie Cuomo
- BIOL 15B Cells and Organisms in Session I with Kene Piasta
- BIOL 23A Ecology in Extended Session with Colleen Hitchcock
- BIOL 26A Plant Biology in Extended Session with Melissa Kosinski-Collins
- BISC 10B Reproductive Biology in Extended Session with Melissa Kosinski-Collins
- BISC 11A Biodiversity Connections in Extended Session with Colleen Hitchcock
- BUS 6A Accounting in Session I with IBS Instructors
- BUS 232F Digital Fabrication with Robotics in Session II with Ian Roy
- CHEM 11A General Chemistry I in Session I with Deno Del Sesto
- CHEM 11B General Chemistry II in Session II with Michael Vela
- CHEM 18A General Chemistry Laboratory I in Session I with Deno Del Sesto
- CHEM 18B General Chemistry Lab II in Session II with Michael Vela
- CHEM 25A Organic Chemistry I in Session I with Stephanie Murray
- CHEM 25B Organic Chemistry II in Session II with Jacquelin Woodford
- CHEM 29A Organic Chemistry Laboratory I in Session I with Stephanie Murray
- CHEM 29B Organic Chemistry Laboratory II in Session II with Jacquelin Woodford
- CLAS 157A Ancient Egypt on the Silver Screen in Session II with Darlene Brooks Hedstrom
- COSI 10A Introduction to Problem Solving in Python in Session I with Timothy Hickey
- COSI 12B Advanced Programming Techniques in Java in Session II with Michael Golitsyn
- COSI 153A Mobile App Development in Session I with Timothy Hickey
- ECON 2A A Survey of Economics in Session II with Chen Chen
- ECON 10A Introduction to Microeconomics in Session I with Yuya Wang
- ECON 20A Introduction to Macroeconomics in Session II with Qihui Lei
- ECON 25A Oral Communication in Economics Practicum in Session I with Cansu Isler
- ECON 26B Writing for Economics Practicum in Session II with Kim Chase
- ECON 28B-1 The Global Economy in Session I with Mohammed AlMehdar
- ECON 80A Microeconomic Theory in Session II with Cansu Isler
- ECON 82B Macroeconomic Theory in Session I with Daniel Diaz
- ECON 83A Statistics for Economic Analysis in Session II with Ketian Guan
- ECON 151A Statistical Modeling with R for Economics and Finance in Extended Session with Siyoung Hwang
- ECON/FIN 171A Financial Economics in Session I with Krisztian Gado
- ENG 33A Shakespeare in Session II with William Flesch
- ENG 79A Screenwriting Workshop: Beginning Screenplay in Session I with Marc Weinberg
- ENG 147A Film Noir in Session I with William Flesch
- ENG 149A Directed Writing: Writing the Streaming Series in Session I with Marc Weinberg
- ENG 170A Nigerian Movies in the World in Session I with Emilie Diouf
- ENG 177A Hitchcock's Movies in Session II with William Flesch
- ENG 180A Modern American Short Story in Session I with William Flesch
- ENVS 111A Environmental and Climate Justice in Extended Session with Prakash Kashwan
- ENVS 131B The Political Economy of Global Climate Governance in Extended Session with Claudia Horn
- FA 3A Introduction to Drawing I in Session I with Alfredo Gisholt
- FA 23B Architectural Drawing and Digital Design I in Session II with Eric Lin
- FA 77B Twentieth Century & Contemporary Latin American Art in Extended Session with Camila Maroja
- FIN 103A Introduction to Financial Management in Session I with IBS Instructors
- HBRW 10A Beginning Hebrew in Extended Session with Guy Antebi
- HBRW 20B Intermediate Hebrew in Extended Session with Guy Antebi
- HIST 50B Race and America: Perspectives on United States History, Origins to the Present in Session II with Rafael Abrahams
- HIST 109B A Global History of Sport: Politics, Economy, Race and Culture in Session I with Avinash Singh
- HIST 125B Europe in the Global Cold War in Session II with Mate Rigo
- IGS 10A-1 Introduction to International and Global Studies in Extended Session with Chandler Rosenberger
- IGS 10A-2 Introduction to International and Global Studies in Session I with Avinash Singh
- IGS 130A Global Migration in Extended Session with Selene Campion
- INT 92G Undergraduate Internship Course in Extended Session with Alyssa Stalsberg Canelli
- LGLS 89A Law and Society Internship and Seminar in Extended Session with Melissa McKenna
- LGLS 126A Forced Migration Clinic in Extended Session with Doug Smith
- LGLS 189A Business Law in Session II with Dan Breen
- MATH 8A Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Session I with Rachmiel Klein
- MATH 10A Techniques of Calculus (a) in Session I with Xiaoying He
- MATH 10B Techniques of Calculus (b) in Session II with Joshua Perlmutter
- MATH 15A Linear Algebra in Session I with Alan Hou
- MATH 20A Multivariable Calculus in Session II with Rebecca Rohrlich
- MATH 36A Probability in Session I with Jonathan Touboul
- MATH 37A Differential Equations in Session I with Vasiliy Nekrasov
- MATH 39A Introduction to Combinatorics in Session I with Theo Douvropoulos
- PHIL 1A Introduction to Philosophy in Extended Session with Peter Lupu
- PHIL 6A Introduction to Symbolic Logic in Extended Session with Casey Rufener
- PHIL 23B Biomedical Ethics in Session I with Jordan Kokot
- PHIL 106B Mathematical Logic in Extended Session with Casey Rufener
- PHIL 115A The Philosophy & Ethics of Technology in Session I with Jordan Kokot
- PHIL 139B Topics in Logic: Conditionals in Extended Session with Casey Rufener
- POL 14B Introduction to American Government in Session II with Daniel Ruggles
- POL 15A Introduction to International Relations in Extended Session with Kerry Chase
- PSYC 36B Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity in Extended Session with Sarah Lupis
- PSYC 51A-1 Statistics in Session I with Jutta Wolf
- PSYC 51A-2 Statistics in Session I with Sonja Krstic
- PSYC 51A-3 Statistics in Session I with Jutta Wolf
- PSYC 52A Research Methods and Laboratory in Psychology in Session II with Sonja Krstic
- PSYC 148A Applied Statistical Computing in R in Extended Session with Xiaodong Liu
- SOC 1A Order and Change in Society in Extended Session with Lauren Crosser
- SOC 10B Introduction to Social Theory in Session I with Lauren Crosser
- SOC 18A Observing the Social World: Doing Qualitative Sociology in Session I with Manning Zhang
- SOC 82A Applied Research Methods in Session I with Charlotte Powley
- SOC 104A Sociology of Education in Session II with Sanchita Dasgupta
- SOC 113B Sociology of Race and Racism in Session I with Sanchita Dasgupta
- SOC 130A Families, Kinship and Sexuality in Session II with Nancy Marshall
- SOC 155B Protest, Politics, and Change: Social Movements in Session II with snehalatha gantla
- THA 2A Theater Foundations: Process, Production, and Performance in Extended Session with Alexander Jacobs
- THA 11A European Theater Texts and Theory I in Session I with Paul Masters
- THA 11B European Theater Texts and Theory II: Romanticism to the Avant Garde in Session II with Paul Masters
- THA 130A Suzuki in Session I with Alexander Jacobs
- THLC 200A: Theory-Based Methodologies for Teaching Hebrew as a World Language in Extended Session with Vardit Ringvald
- UWS 64B The Resistance Mix-Tape: Music and Social Justice in Session II with Ethan King
- UWS 66A Travel and Self-Discovery in Session I with Collin Cook
Summer 2024 course syllabi will be posted throughout Spring 2024.
Note: These are draft syllabi and may represent the course from the most recent semester that the instructor taught the course. All course syllabi are subject to change.