Workday at Brandeis

Navigating HR Functions in Workday

Finding the right HR tasks and reports in Workday can sometimes be challenging. To help you find what you need (and how to do it!), we've created a training guide for HR functions. If something you're looking for isn't listed, please open a Help Desk ticket ( and ask the ticket to be assigned to the Change Management Team.

I want to... I can find how to do it here...
Fill an empty position or create a new position and hire into that.

Create and Post a Staff Requisition Job Aid

Hire an Employee

Add a temp from an agency or a vendor to Workday they can have a Brandeis username. Contract and Manage a Contingent Worker Job Aid
Change the funding source for someone's salary Assign Costing Allocation Job Aid
Pay someone with Period Activity Pay (or change or end their PAP)

Add Period Activity Pay Job Aid

Update Period Activity Pay Job Aid

End Period Activity Pay Job Aid

Period Activity Pay Tips and Tricks Job Aid

PAP Worktag Use Cases

Hire and/or manage hourly student workers

Create Job Requisition for Student Employee Job Aid

Hire Student Employee Job Aid

Assign Initial Costing Allocation Job Aid

End Additional Job - Hourly Student Workers Job Aid

Change Existing Costing Allocation Job Aid

Hire and/or manage students paid by stipend

Job Aids: 

Add a Postdoctoral Scholar to Workday

Hire a Postdoctoral Scholar Associate

Hire a Postdoctoral Scholar with a Fellowship

Add/Update/End an Academic Appointment

Add Academic Appointment Job Aid

Update Academic Appointment Job Aid

End Academic Appointment Job Aid

Designate Instructor Eligibility Job Aid

Create an Academic Affiliate or a Courtesy Appointment

Add Academic Affiliate

Add Courtesy Appointment

Approve time worked for non-exempt staff and student workers

Approve Time Worked Job Aid

Reported Time Report - Job Aid

Find my employees' job profiles Find Employee Job Profiles in Workday Job Aid
Update an office location, mailstop or phone extension Update Office Extensions and Locations
End Employment in Workday Terminate Employee Job Aid
I want to... I can complete this task by going to this screen in Workday...
View my employee's length of service at Brandeis Employee's summary profile page or their job profile page
View my employee's emergency contact information Use the emergency contacts tab on the employee's contact page in their profile
View open job requisitions in my organization Click the Recruiting application in your Global Navigation menu. Open requisitions will be listed there.
View an employee's absence balance Use the report "Time off Balances and Carryover Implications - BRANU"
View an employee's absence Use the Time Off and Calendar in the My Team Absence Application
View my team's performance reviews Use the Team Performance Application
View the time my employees have submitted Use the Team Time Application