Health and Wellness Promotion

Staying Connected, Remotely

by Sakinah Master ’21, HAWP Intern

This year has been different, unexpected and unprecedented. Each of us have faced challenges we never thought we would. As a senior and international student, I never imagined that I would question whether or not I should go back on campus to finish my last year. For a number of reasons, I decided to stay home for the fall semester. I know many others have made the same hard choice. 

This decision was not easy and it was definitely not one I wanted to make. I had a list of goals I wanted to accomplish my last year of college. I was looking forward to seeing my friends and professors and celebrating being a senior!  However, I had to readjust my plans and reimagine my year, and I’m learning to make peace with that. I want to share some tips for everyone doing this semester remotely. These are things that I have found useful to deal with changes and stay involved with the Brandeis community whilst being multiple time zones away. 

First, it’s okay and important to put safety first. If you feel uncomfortable coming back to campus, don’t want to risk the travel, cannot come back due to health reasons or a million other things, prioritize yourself! We now have the opportunity to learn virtually and even though that comes with its own set of challenges, it is entirely possible to continue learning remotely. Many campus events and club activities will be held online to accommodate the Brandeis community everywhere; make sure you log onto those and still be a part of the virtual ‘campus life’. Putting in that extra effort will make you feel like you’re there and the semester is just how it used to be. Plan virtual study dates, meet up with a friend on zoom for lunch and get creative! We can still do the things we used to, but just a little differently. 

Second, accept change. Going through a pandemic made me recognize our tendency to plan way ahead in the future even though we don’t know what's happening tomorrow. I have begun to normalise the experience of changing plans and readjusting how my future looks. Making peace with change will allow you to accept differences and be more flexible in the ‘new normal’. 

Finally, and most importantly, you are not alone! If you think you are the only one who has had to make hard decisions or who is facing new challenges this semester, you’re not. This pandemic has affected the entire world and people everywhere have had to adjust and adapt to the circumstances. We will get through this.