Class of 1959
In 2018, Oxford University Press published David Ball’s translation of the diary Léon Werth kept during the Nazi occupation of France. Now David, emeritus professor of French language and literature at Smith College, is translating novels, including “The Master,” by Patrick Rambaud, about the Tao master Xuangzi, who lived in China during the fourth century B.C. In October, Marcia Leventhal received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Dance Therapy Association at its annual conference in Miami. Alicia (Suskin) Ostriker is New York state’s poet laureate. Her new collection, “The Volcano and After: Selected and New Poems, 2002-19,” will be published in 2020. Carla-Mae Richards retired after 20 years as a technical director at USA Fencing. She grew to love the sport as a member of the Brandeis fencing team, coached by Lisel Judge. Several years ago, she moved from Marietta, Georgia, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to get to know her youngest grandchildren, Owen and Maya, now 9 and 7. “What fun to see the world through young eyes,” she writes.
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