Outreach Opportunities

Brandeis Educational Justice Initiative
Math Mentoring Program
  • Mission: Help students successfully navigate the undergraduate program in Mathematics at Brandeis, and make it as inclusive as possible
  • Need: Undergraduate students (typically math senior or junior)
  • Math Mentoring Program Website
  • Contact: Email Olivier Bernardi
Brandeis General Tutoring
  • Mission: General Tutoring (GT) matches Brandeis University students with Waltham public school students (K–12) for free 1-on-1 tutoring (one hour of tutoring each week in person at Brandeis or virtual)
  • Need: Undergraduate or Graduate students (Mathematics is in high demand)
  • Commitment: One hour per week. Once signed up (and vetted/trained) you will be added to the pool of potential tutors. If there is a matching need, you will be given contact information for the tutee's family.
  • Brandeis General Tutoring Website
  • Contact: Call (781) 530-4688, email wg-generaltutoring@brandeis.edu, or stop by drop-in hours at SCC.
Afternoon Enrichment
  • Mission: Supervise and tutor students from Waltham Middle School Thursday afternoons. Volunteers spend the first hour with the middle school students doing a fun group activity, and they spend the second hour mentoring their individual tutees.
  • Need: Undergraduate or Graduate students
  • Commitment: Two hour per week on Thursdays from 3-5 p.m. on campus
  • Afternoon Enrichment Website
  • Contact: Email wg-aftenrichment@brandeis.edu
Brandeis Galaxy Program
  • Mission: Mentoring a group of first year undergraduate students (in STEM) at Brandeis
  • Need: PhD students
  • Commitment: Seven hours per week
  • Website: No website at this time
  • Contact: Email Dr. Kene Piasta
Brandeis Posse
  • Mission: Mentoring a group of first year undergraduate students at Brandeis who have been recruited as part of the New York Posse Program.
  • Need: PhD students in their third, fourth or fifth year
  • Commitment: 12-15 hours per week; meet with the Posse two hours each week; meet with each student for one hour every-other week; meet with Brandeis and Posse staff to give updates on student progress
  • Brandeis Posse Website
  • Contact: Call or email Lori Tenser at 781-736-3470 or tenser@brandeis.edu.
Brandeis MRSEC-WHS Pizza Talk Series
  • Mission: DeisHacks pair groups of students with local nonprofit organizations in Waltham and groups will be tasked to help solve problems proposed by their given nonprofit. All students are welcome to participate as no coding/computer science experience is required.
  • Need: Undergraduate or graduate students
  • Commitment: 48 hours of work during the annual DeisHacks event
  • DeisHacks Website
  • Contact: deishacks@brandeis.edu
PROMYS at Boston University
  • Mission: Providing a six-week summer program in mathematics for strongly motivated high school students from across the U.S. and the world.
  • Need: Undergraduate students (Summer Job)
  • Commitment: Full time commitment for 6 weeks (attending lecture and guiding high school students through their research)
  • PROMYS Website
  • Contact: Email Dr. Li-Mei Lim
  • Additional Need: Faculty for proposing and mentoring research projects for returning students or guest lectures
  • Mission: Introduction to Math research for advanced high-school students
  • Need: Faculty (project supervisor) and Graduate student (mentor)
  • Commitment: Meeting the MIT-PRIMES students once a week during the spring semester and guiding them through research and presentation stages
  • MIT-PRIMES Website
  • Contact: primes@math.mit.edu
Additional Links


Mission: The goal of the paraDIGMS initiative (Diversity in Graduate Mathematical Sciences) is to create channels of communication, spaces for reflection, opportunities to collaborate, and a greater sense of collective responsibility for the well-being of the profession at the graduate level.


Mission: SACNAS is dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.

Brandeis Education of Students by Students (ESS)

Mission: Engage, inspire, and involve the entire community in a love of learning. ESS organizes unique classes, facilitates discussions, and engaging events that make knowledge easily accessible to members of the community and beyond.