
DISC Office Proposal Notification Policy

It is the policy of the DISC Office that investigators intending to apply for any kind of upcoming funding mechanism (grant, contract, foundation support, fellowship, etc.) notify our office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE with the information requested below.  

In general, we request a minimum of 4 weeks of notice from the due date (the earliest date: to the Sponsor, to the Pass-through Entity, if we are the subawardee, or if an earlier submission date is being requested by the PI) and 6 weeks of notice for grants that have subawards. We appreciate notification, even if an investigator is not 100% sure that a submission will happen.
DISC Office Proposal Deadline Policy

All proposal materials are due to the DISC Pre-Award Team a minimum of 10 days prior to the determined internal deadline for submission and may require more time if the proposal involves additional complexities (i.e. cost sharing, subawards, international collaborators, etc.). 

Any investigator who cannot comply with this requirement must obtain permission for a revised deadline from the Associate Provost for Research Administration.  Proposals that do not adhere to this policy are at risk of not being submitted.

This policy is imperative for investigators to follow because it allows the DISC Office to ensure the proposal is complete and in full compliance with all federal, institutional, and sponsor requirements prior to submission to the ORA's Pre-Award Services Office for final review and submission.  The DISC Office will help ensure that all proposals meet the ORA's Proposal Deadline Policy.