Department of Philosophy

Colloquium Series: 2017-18

The following colloquia were held during the 2017-18 academic year:

Fall 2017

Sept. 15

Agnes Callard, University of Chicago

Oct. 6

Prison Abolition? The Uses and Abuses of Incarceration
Tommie Shelby, Harvard University

Nov. 3

Epsitemic Utility Theory
Branden Fitelson, Northeastern University

Dec. 8

Other People
Kieran Setiya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dec. 12

Boston-Area Kant Colloquium

Spring 2018

March 9

The Self-Determination of Force: Desire and Practical Self-Consciousness in Kant and Hagel
Thomas Khurana, University of Essex, England

March 24

Seventh Annual Spring Mini-Conference: Radical Skepticism and the Shadow of Doubt
A dialogue with Eli Hirsch, Brandeis University

Featured speakers:

  • Susan Rinard, Harvard University
  • Beri Marušić, Brandeis University
  • Adam Leite, Indiana University
  • Billy Flesch, Brandeis University
  • Miriam Schoenfield, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

April 13

From a Constitutivist Account of Moral Reasons to a Comprehensive Moral Doctrine
Michael Smith, Princeton University

The Colloquium Series is supported by the Martin Weiner Fund.