Condolence Announcements

Brandeis University values every member of our community. The death of any member of our community is a time for reflection and recognition of that individual’s contributions in a way that is consistent with our institutional values.

To ensure consistency in the creation and distribution of condolence announcements, the following guidelines have been developed.

When notified of the death of a community member, please send an email to Please include the following details as soon as they are available:

  • The individual's name and role at Brandeis
  • Dates, time and location of wake/visitation
  • Dates, time and location of funeral, memorial observance (Shiva) or other applicable service
  • Links to online funeral or memorial notice (if applicable)
  • To whom and how condolence notes may be sent (if applicable)
  • Memorial donation information (if applicable)

The appropriate office (provost, students & enrollment, human resources or communications) will create an email notice to be sent to the entire Brandeis community in a timely way, so that community members may pay their respects, where applicable.

The head of any division or unit within the university may also choose to eulogize the deceased in an email sent to the relevant portion of the university community.

If an obituary needs to be produced by the department or Brandeis, this notice will be written by Office of Communications staff in conjunction with colleagues and posted on Brandeis Stories or the equivalent university news site.

Please direct any questions to the senior vice president of communications, marketing and external relations.