Start your image search with original Brandeis images taken by the university photographer and approved freelancers. You can find images in the Brandeis Online Digital Asset Portal.
We strongly discourage using stock images to represent Brandeis students.
If you need an image that does not represent Brandeis, use the image resources listed below. When using free image sources, make sure they are in the Creative Commons copyright.
When downloading images, select the highest resolution/pixel size available.
Provide attribution for images whenever possible. When using an image from the university photographer or a freelance photographer, cite it as "photo by [name]." For images from an outside resource, check the page where you downloaded the image. You will see the proper citation link there.
Open your image in Photoshop. Go to Image > Image Size.
The image should be a minimum of 300 dpi at 100% size as cropped and placed in your document. If your image resolution is too low, it will print soft or pixelated.
Recommended minimum dpi for printing:
24" x 36" posters: 180 dpi
12" x 18" flyers: 300 dpi (not less than 250 dpi)
To learn more about resizing an image for printing, watch Chapter 6, “Understanding Pixels and Image Size”, in the LinkedIn Learning course, Photoshop for Photographers. For a quick overview of resolution for digital and print images, see the 99designs article, “PPI versus DPI: What’s the Difference?”
LinkedIn Learning, a free resource offered through the Brandeis Library, has numerous design and software courses.
Canva tutorials (or select the purple HELP button at the bottom of each Canva page). Please note: These tutorials are for designing in Canva only. Please use the other online tutorials when using Adobe or other design software.
Make sure to include the Brandeis brand (logo, colors and messaging) in your project. For more information on how to do this, see our online Branding and Identity Guidelines.
If you have further questions about using the Brandeis brand, contact Director of Integrated Design Deborah Wieder.
Tip: Accessibility
For content to be accessible, all digital images need to include alt text, and all text needs to be high contrast. URLs and email addresses should stand out from surrounding text with underlining and/or color. If you have accessibility questions, email