October 7, 2022
Andrei Loshak, author of "Broken Ties," a powerful documentary about how the war in Ukraine has broken up Russian families, spoke with Brandeis community members over Zoom. You can watch the conversation here.
May 27, 2022
"Since the war broke out in Ukraine, Americans across the country are joining together to rally around Ukrainian nationalism and identity. At the same time, many Russian Americans – horrified by what they see their home country doing to its neighboring Ukraine – are having to confront questions of their own identity. Do I keep speaking my native language or do I give it up as a form of protest? In this special episode of Start Here, producer Vika Aronson guides us through the contradictions and dilemmas Russian Americans face right now."
Our Russian Language Director, Professor Irina Dubinina, was a guest on the show. Special shoutout to students, Aeryn Rowe '25 and Alyssa Rider '22, for their contributions.
May 6, 2022
Professor Robin Feuer Miller, Chair of GRALL, sat down with Cooper Gottfried from The Brandeis Hoot to "shed a little light on the GRALL department, its future and herself." Click here to read the full interview!
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Annual National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest organized by the American Councils of Teachers of Russian! In this year’s contest, there were 1,291 essays submitted from 60 universities, colleges, and institutions across the nation. Three judges in Moscow read each essay and independently ranked them. This year’s topic was “My city. / Мой город.” Twenty Brandeis Students participated in the essay, and three were received medals and honorary mentions.
Category: Heritage Speakers
Students who were born to Russian speaking families and received most or all of their education in English. These students did not have any formal instruction in Russian before college.
Level 3
Heritage learners who have had fewer than 60 contact hours of instruction in college.
Honorable Mention
Elise Shuba ’21
Level 5
Students who attended school for five or more years in Russia or the former Soviet Union and have not had to relearn reading and writing skills in immigration.
Silver Medal
Yan Shneyderman ’18
Honorable Mention
Maria Shaposhnikova ’18
Title: Это сложно объяснить / It’s complicated
Emma Belkin ‘21
Nate Rtishchev ‘21
Staci Weeks ‘21
Instructors: Irina Dubinina, Curt Woolhiser, Katerina Rudykh