Health Care FSA

Fund availability

Funds available as you contribute


Get full annual amount on day 1 of plan year

Fund expiration

No use-it-or-lose-it, keep your money forever (even if you change health plans, jobs, or retire)

Funds eventually expire if you don’t use them (though grace period or carryover extensions)


Invest your HSA tax-free, in an investment account

Cannot invest FSA funds or grow your account

Contribution changes

Change or update anytime

Only during enrollment or ‘qualifying life event’

Health plan type

Requires HSA-qualified health plan

Works with any health plan type, except HSA-qualified plan

2025 Contribution limits

$8,550 (Family plan)

$4,300 (Individual plan)

$3,300 (regardless of plan type)

Account compatibility

• Dependent Care FSA

• Limited Purpose FSA

• Dependent Care FSA