Attendance Management

The purpose of this policy is to define expectations and identify related attendance management issues, and to emphasize the importance of good attendance.

The ability of the university to provide a quality education for students and excel in its research endeavors depends on attendance, punctuality and the general reliability of staff. While illness or other compelling reasons sometimes necessitate absence from work, tardiness or leaving work early, excessive or abusive absence and other problems with reliability are detrimental to the university operations and place an unfair burden on co-workers. Consequently, if attendance, punctuality or other reliability issues arise during the course of an individual’s employment, corrective action may result and may lead to release from employment.

Employees may not be penalized for taking qualified Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Small Necessities Leave Act (SNLA) and worker compensation time away from work, or other excused absences.


This policy applies to all faculty and staff.
