Request Materials
Need an item that is checked out? Place a recall request.
Placing a recall on an item will send the borrower a notice that the book has been requested and must be returned sooner than the original due date. The new due date is usually 14 days from the date of recall. Please note, not all library materials can be recalled. To recall an item, search for the item in OneSearch and click on the “Request Brandeis Copy.” You must be signed in to see this option. You will receive an email when the item is ready to pick up.
Ask the library to buy a book, film, or other information source you need by providing basic author and title information. Your request will be forwarded to the appropriate subject liaison.
Does OneSearch say an item is available but it is not on the shelf? Stop by the Information and Borrowing Desk and we will search for the item.
Looking for an item located in Library Storage? You can place a request for storage materials through OneSearch. Simply search for the item and select "Request Brandeis Copy." Please note that you must be signed in to see this option.
If you find that an item is on your library account that you believe you've returned or never checked out, please file a claims returned report.