What is ORCID?
ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of researchers and organizations. The goal of this organization is to connect researchers and to enable collaboration in global scholarship. With an ORCID ID, each researcher gains a personal, unique identifier and gains control over their scholarly identity.
More information on the registration process
What Are the Benefits of An ORCID ID?
Build your profile and enhance the visibility of your work.
Personal, unique identifier distinguishes you from other researchers with a similar name
Asserting agency over scholarly identity
Your personal information is not shared, you control what you share
Connection to a global community of researchers
All of your scholarly activities can be listed in one place and only trusted organizations can be linked to you
Data providers, including CrossRef and MLA International Bibliography populate ORCID profiles.
ORCID ID is designed to be a career-long identifier; your ID goes with you regardless of your institution.
Use your ORCID profile page to share information about your research activities and outputs.
Why Bother With an ORCID ID?
Some publishers require ORCID IDs before submitting work for peer review
Some publishers require ORCID IDs for reviewers
Some funding agencies embed ORCID IDs into funding workflows
Some professional organizations and societies use ORCID IDs as part of their membership information and conference workflows.
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