
Instructional Technology Team

Instructional technologists can assist you with using Moodle and other educational technologies, troubleshooting technical issues, setting up digital assignments, and incorporating multimedia and interactive tools to enhance student engagement.

If you have a question about how to set up your course in Moodle, please email and our instructional technologists will reach out to you shortly.

Additionally, if you have an questions pertaining to Moodle or general teaching challenges, that you would like further explanation or a guide on, please feel free to complete our Workshop Request Form and we would be happy to create a workshop. Once a request is received, we as a team will review your request and host a workshop depending on the needs.

If you’d like to meet with an instructional technologist, please feel free to sign up for an in-person or Zoom consultation appointment. You may also schedule an appointment with a specific team member by using the links below.

Wayne Smith
Wayne Smith
Instructional Technologist
781-736-4904 Farber 2

Schedule an Appointment with Wayne

Ben Woupio
Ben Woupio
Instructional Technologist
781-736-8614 Farber 2
Pronouns: he, him, his

Schedule an Appointment with Ben