Colloquium Series: 2018-19
Talks will be in Rabb Graduate Center, Room 338, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Events are updated throughout the semester. Please check back often.
Fall 2018
September 7, 2018
With Brendan Cline, 2018-19 Florence Levy Kay Fellow in Philosophy and Neuroscience, Brandeis University.
October 5, 2018
With Laurie Paul, professor of philosophy and cognitive science, Yale University. Author of "Transformative Experience" (Oxford University Press, 2015), "Causation: A User's Guide" (Oxford University Press, 2013) and "Causation and Counterfactuals" (A Bradford Book, 2004).
November 16, 2018
With Samantha Maherne, assistant professor of philosophy at Harvard University. Matherne’s primary research interests lie in exploring the reciprocal relationship between perception and aesthetics. She approaches these issues largely through a historical lens, as they are taken up by Kant and developed in Post-Kantian traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially Phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism.
Spring 2019
February 4, 2019
With David Enoch, the Rodney Blackman Chair in the Philosophy of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Enoch's research interests include moral, legal and political philosophy, in the analytic tradition.
March 22, 2019
With Alisa N. Bokulich, professor of philosophy at Boston University. Bokulich has served for the past eight years as Director of the BU Center for Philosophy & History of Science and is a member of the Governing Board of the Philosophy of Science Association. She is author of Reexamining the Quantum-Classical Relation: Beyond Reductionism and Pluralism (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Her research focuses on modeling, explanation, and uncertainty in the physical sciences, including more recently the geosciences.
April 13, 2019
With Kathleen Moran, associate professor and chair of philosophy, Brandeis University; Jens Timmerman, professor of moral philosophy, University of St. Andrews, Scotland; Lucy Allais, professor of philosophy, University of the Witwatersand, Johannesburg, and the Henry Allison Chair of the History of Philosophy, UC San Diego; and Adrienne Martin, the Akshata Murty '02 and Rishi Sunak Associate Professor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Claremont McKenna College.