Senior Theses A-Z
Baker, Catherine K. (2006) Pompeian Mythological Wall Paintings: Myth, Multiformity, and Roman Virtue (Koloski-Ostrow*, Muellner, Walker)
Beatty, Mark. (1990) The Purpose and Method of the Subjugation of Britain, AD 43-AD 96
Bell-Schlatter, Emrys. (2009) The Imagery of Vision in Aeschylus' Oresteia (Muellner*, Visvardi)
Brinbaum, Laurence Aimee. (2010) Parallels and Paradigms in Book IV of Vergil's Aeneid. (Muellner, Walker)
Bouchard, Jack B. (2010) A Social History of Rural Attika, 479-395 BCE (Sreenivasan, Kapelle, Walker)
Brochu, Lorraine. (1985) Prehellenistic Fountain-Houses
Brown, Matthew A. (2008) The Ideal Roman Statesman as Exhibited in the Letters of Cicero, Seneca and Pliny (Johnston*, Fischer, Walker)
Bryan, Erin I. (2004) The Importance of Athenian Women in the Polis (Muellner*, Koloski-Ostrow, Walker)
Callahan, Jane A. (2004) Moschus's Europa: An Intertextual Study (Johnston*, Muellner, Koloski-Ostrow)
Callahan, Joan. (1976) The Clever Slave in the Comedies of Plautus
Cohen, Ada. (1984) The Influence of the Near East on Greek Art in the Iron Age, with Special Reference to Bronzes
Costrell, Sarah A. (2010) Euclid and the Method of Exhaustion (Fishman, Muellner)
Covitz, Philip. (1990) Catullus and Lesbia: A Biographical Approach to the Poems
Dichter, Caitlin D. (2009) The Artistic Effect of Pompeii on French Neoclassical Decorative Arts (Koloski-Ostrow*, Colaizzi, Dowden)
Farrell, Christopher A. (2007) A Knight at Athens: Revisiting Scholarly Perceptions of Xenophon (Walker*, Muellner, Yack)
Feferman, Irina. (2001) Laws of Rape and Adultery in 5th and 4th century Athens
Gerolami, Timothy A. (1999) Clodius, Princeps Tribunorum Plebis: How Clodius Lerned to Love the Mob
Glick, Daniel. (2001) Alcman Fragment I: A Pedagogical Process of Initiation
Golden, Jonathan M. (1990) The Foreign Relations of Egypt with Canaan and Mesopotamia during the Protodynamic Period
Green-Sisson. (2010) The Aesthetics of Ancient Greek Music (Muellner, Keiler)
Greenberg, Jessica R. (2005) Veterinary Medicine, the Lifeblood of the Classical Period: Development and Retention of Veterinary Techniques (Walker*, Kaplan, Koloski-Ostrow)
Grossman, Harold E. (2007) The Historians of the Gothic War (AD 535-552) (Walker*, Kapelle, Sreenivasan)
Heyman, Joel. (1987) The Idealistic View of Country Life vs. the Harsh Realities of City Life as Seen through the Eyes of the Roman Satirist Juvenal
Horowitz, Wayne. (1979) Dh'l Qarneyn, The Land of the Sunrise and Sunset, and Beyond: A Case Study in Tradition Building
de Jong, Sondra. (1994) Greed, Gluttony, and Lust: Perceptions of Tradition and Power in Ancient Roman Social Legislation
Kahn Troster, Sara S. (2001) Wicked Whores and Wandering Widows: Women on Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the 11th and 12th Centuries
Kasan, Blake. (2011) Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2nd Century CE Rome
Kharfen, Stephen. (1985) The Cinematic Quality of Ovid's Narrative Technique in the Myrrha Episode
Kulkin, Todd P. (2007) Cultural Justice: A Study of Athenian Nomoi and Modern American Law (Muellner*, Koloski-Ostrow, Walker)
Kutz, John R. (1999) Between Mathematics and Mythology: The Heroic Figure of Pythagoras
Lankin, Andrea. (2002) Galfridian Nationalism: Ideas of Briton Nationhood in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia regum Britannie
Lapidus, Rachel C. (1990) The Stealing of Classical Art Objects: Legal and Ethical Implications, 1800-1990
Larson, Eric A. (1984) Plutarch's Synthesis of the Moral/Ethical Elements of the Moralia into the Moral Exemplum Embodied din the Alexander
Levine, Ely. (1999) The Occidentalizing Trend in Greek Archaeology: Greek Cultural Impact upon the Cultures of the Levant
Lindbeck, Kris. (1985) Subordination and Partnership: The Position of Married Women in Late Antiquity
Long, Leah Emilia. (2001) Cultural Continuities: The Persistence of Native Religion in Roman North Africa
Lukban, Michele Chivian. (1985) No Stock Disdained: Citizenship and Discrimination in the Early Roman Empire
Ma, Dianne J. (2009) The Thematic Progression of Ovid's Metamorphoses in Relation to Human Development (Walker*, Koloski-Ostrow, Muellner)
Margulies, Zach. (2010) Upon the Shoulders of the Seaward Philistines: Leadership and Governance in Iron Age Philistia (Brettler, Wright)
Marmor, Lee A. (2010) The Evolution of the Tribunate in the Roman Republic. (Kapelle, Walker)
McElvain, Gayle M. (2006) Acquisition and Generation of a Poetic Lexicon: New Cognitive Models for the Homeric Formula (Muellner*, Koloski-Ostrow, Walker)
Mekel, Nitzan. (2000) The Pyramid Texts and the Amalgamation of the Osiris and Horus Myths: Political Legitimation in Late Old Kingdom Egypt
Mello, Michael P. (2007) The Influence of Epicurean Philosophy on Augustine's Confessions (Johnston*, Brooten, Walker)
Menzin, Lyndsey. (2002) Sapphic Influences in the Poetry of Catullus
Mulder, Hotze. (1981) Alkman's KHPYΛOΣ-POEM: An analysis of Alkman fr. 26 P., with Appendix: concordance to the Alkman fragments
Neuman, Tamara. (1987) Images of Egypt in Ancient Greek Thought: Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch -- An Interpretive Essay
Nudell, Joshua P. (2008) Champions, Friends, Soldiers: The Macedonian Aristocracy, the Officers of Alexander and the Creation of Hellenistic Kingdoms (Kapelle*, Sreenivasan, Walker)
Ostrander, Amy E. (2010) ECLAS: A Tool Towards the Decipherment of Minoan Linear A. (Muellner, Urcid)
Palmer, Glenn. (1996) Why the Shoulder? A study of the placement of the wound in the Mithraic tauroctony
Picker, Anne T. (1982) The Assyrian Pottery Collection from Tel-Kheleifah and How It Aids in Defining Assyrian Influence in the Southern Negev and Transjordan
Porter, Abigail R. (2004) Homeric Epic in the Lives of Ancient Greeks (Muellner*, Koloski-Ostrow, Walker)
Post, Jennifer A. (1986) Greek Models and Roman Expectations: Arrian's Anabasis and the Second Sophisitic Ralston, Nathaniel L. (2007) Res Novae: Three Revolutions in the Roman Republic (Walker*, Kapelle, Koloski-Ostrow)
Radin, Jennifer. (2011) Bored Bacchus and Offended Ariadne: Early Baroque Mythological Paintings by Annibale Carracci and Guido Reni.
Rollet, Angela M. (1990) The Evolution of the Hero: Mortality and Socialization in Classical Greek Mythology
Ross, William T. (1982) Sparta's Role in Athenian Political Changes from 514 to 502 B.C.
Saidel, Benjamin Adam. (1985) Judaea Capta Est: A Numismatic Interpretation of the First Jewish Revolt against Rome
Samuels, Deborah. (1987) Mythopoeic Thought as a Viable Modality of Discourse for Feminists
Signore, Sean. (2002) The Ritual Laments in our Iliad: A Formulaic and Thematic Analysis
Simonini, Phillippe. (1982) The Transition from Infantry to Cavalry Armies, A.D. 69 - A.D. 800
Smedile, Valerie J. (2004) Rank and Society: An Interpretation of Funerary Offerings at Monte Alban (Urcid*, Cohen, Koloski-Ostrow)
Smith, Alexander J. (2009) Mussolini's Past: The Social and Political Implications of Archaeology in Fascist Italy (Koloski-Ostrow*, Scott, Walker)
Smolin, Ada. (1993) Julia Berenice: A Look at a Judaean Queen of the First Century CE
Stewart, Charles. (1978) Gli Italo-Greci D'Italia Meridionale
Taaffe, Sonya. (2003) Here's the Story: Alkaios 42 and Narrative Context in Greek Lyric and Epic
Tibbitts, Theodore. (2009) The Practical Side of Wine: Viticulture and Viniculture in Ancient Rome (Koloski-Ostrow*, Johnston, Walker)
Towne, Cynthia. (1982) Roman Women
Ware, Elizabeth. (1986) The Evolution of Dionysos and his Cult from his First Appearance in Greece, c.2000, to the Early Fourth Century BC
Weiner, Abigail. (1992) The Household Gods of Rome: The Lares, The Di Penates, Vesta, and The Genius
Weisfeld, Jacob B. (2009) The People's Conspiracy: Damnatio Memoriae as an Ad Hoc Procedure in Republican and Imperial Rome (Koloski-Ostrow*, Urcid, Walker)
Wiesenthal, Alan J. (1973) Richard Bentley's Horace: The commentaries in English on 1.23, 3.4, 4.8, and 4.10 with accompanying essays
Woodring, Benjamin. (2006) Tracing Trajectories: Spears, Arrow, and Agency in Ancient Greek Epic Poetry (Muellner*, Koloski-Ostrow, Walker)
Wyrick, Jed. (1990) The Implications of Performance: Archilochus, Sappho, and the Song of Songs