Staff Compensation Management Guide
This brief guide clarifies the processes and forms to use for compensation-related requests for STAFF. The Office of Human Resources Compensation Team is happy to assist! Our contact information is found here.
Requesting a salary increase outside of the normal merit cycle
If you are requesting an off-cycle increase for an employee, please complete the Adjustment Review Form (pdf), stating the rationale for the salary increase. Please send the completed form to Central HR/Compensation or your unit’s Operations and Administration Liaison if applicable.
Reviewing an employee’s position, title, or job description
To have a staff employee’s position or job reviewed, or if an employee's current title and job description do not accurately reflect his, her or their current responsibilities, complete a Position Review Form (pdf), briefly highlighting major job changes. A Job Profile (pdf) (the Workday equivalent of a job description) should also be completed for HR to evaluate. It should include the approximate percentage of time spent on each major duty. Job requirements (education, related work experience, licenses or training, etc.) should also be reconfirmed or changed. Please send the completed form to Central HR/Compensation or your unit’s Operations and Administration Liaison if applicable.
Recommending One-Time Pay Awards (Bonuses) for Staff
The approved form of payment for Staff employees is a One-time Payment (Bonus) or series of payments. One-time pay awards (bonuses) reward high quality work performed that is significantly beyond the standard requirements of the job. To request a One-time Payment, please complete a One-time Payment (Bonus) form found here. Please send the completed form to Central HR/Compensation or your unit’s Operations and Administration Liaison if applicable. IMPORTANT: HR/Compensation and finance, along with the appropriate management chain, need to review and approve the request before any communication to employees occurs. This process should be followed for any STAFF request, even if the work performed is for a different unit.
Reclassifying an employee from nonexempt (hourly pay) to exempt (paid on a salaried basis) status
To request reclassifying an employee from nonexempt (hourly pay) to exempt status due to promotion or other reasons, or for a new entry-level exempt position (e.g. program, department or academic administrator; research associate 1; or research specialist 1), complete a Position Review Form (pdf), a Job Profile (pdf) (noted above) and a Fair Labor Standards Act Position Review Form (FLSA) (pdf). The FLSA review gathers critical details required to confirm the position’s exemption status (exempt or non-exempt) based on the legal requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Please submit the completed forms to Central HR/Compensation or your unit’s Operations and Administration Liaison if applicable.