FSA Type Comparison

HealthCare FSA Limited Purpose FSA Dependent Care FSA
When can I enroll? During Open Enrollment Period for January 1 effective date or with a qualifying event. During Open Enrollment Period for January 1 effective date or with a qualifying event. During Open Enrollment Period for January 1 effective date or with a qualifying event.
Election contributions Tax free Tax free Tax free
Eligible expenses Eligible medical expenses, including dental and vision Eligible dental and vision expenses only Eligible dependent care expenses only
Requires employer to offer account? Yes Yes Yes
Who is eligible to enroll? Either (or both) spouse may open a healthcare FSA Either (or both) spouse may open an LPFSA Either (or both) spouse may open a DCFSA
On whom can you spend the funds? Yourself, your spouse, your eligible dependents Yourself, your spouse, your eligible dependents Eligible dependents
HSA compatible? No Yes Yes
Fund availability Full annual balance available on day one Full annual balance on day one Funds are available only as you make contributions
Max contribution amount $3300 $3300 $5000
2025 Plan year end 12/31/2025 or end of employment or eligibility date. 12/31/2025 or end of employment or eligibility date 3/15/2026 or end of employment or eligibility date
Fund expiration type Carryover Carryover Grace Period
Claim it by 4/30/26 4/30/26 4/30/26