Schusterman Seminars

Evolution of the Schusterman Seminars
The Schusterman Seminars are academic presentations geared toward faculty and graduate students, and open to all, presenting the latest research in Israel Studies to the Schusterman Center community and beyond. They have evolved into a variety of programming, including lecture and conversation series, as well as individual events, such as panel discussions, guest speakers, and arts-focused events.
A sampling of our past speakers
View past Schusterman Serminar speakers and topics below. Visit our YouTube channel to watch recordings of a selection of previous seminars. Recordings of many of our other events are available there as well. Subscribe to be notified when new recordings are posted.
Spring 2023
Manal Totry-Jubran, Bar Ilan University : Challenges of the Middle-Class Flight of the Arab Minority in Israel. Watch the Recording
Karen Grumberg, The University of Texas at Austin : Gothic Narratives of Israel / Palestine in Hebrew Novels by Ayman Sikseck and Alon Hilu
Caroline Kahlenberg, University of Virginia : Ribhi Kamal: The Predicament of an Arab Hebraist
Jonathan Ghariani, Brandeis University : A Diplomatic History of Turkish-Israeli Relations, 1996-2022. Watch the Recording
: “Side by Side”: Nurturing Intercultural Competence among Palestinian and Jewish Teachers in Israel. Watch the Recording
Dana Von Suffrin, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich : Making the Desert Bloom: Otto Warburg and 'Botanical Zionism,' c. 1900-1930
Fall 2022
- Matt Silver, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, Israel: The Jewish Bookshelf from the Six Day War to the Yom Kippur War. Watch the recording.
- Michael Figueroa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Musical Memorialism and the Politics of Bereavement in Jerusalem.
Noah Hysler Rubin, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem: Digitizing Jerusalem’s Archives: Urban Heritage in the Age of Digital Culture.
Emma Polyakov, Merrimack College: The Nun in the Synagogue: Judeocentric Catholicism in Israel. Watch the recording.
Emmanuel Bloch, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania: Tsni'ut (Modesty): Between Law and Ideology in Israeli Orthodox Communities. Watch the recording.
Talia Diskin, University of Haifa: The Law and The Child: Legal and Moral Discourse in Children’s Weeklies in Israel’s First Decade.
Spring 2022
Pnina Lahav, Boston University: Golda Meir: A Feminist Biography. Watch the recording.
Ori Yehudai, The Ohio State University: "A Day of Blood and Valor": Terrorism and Social Tensions in 1970s Israel. Watch the recording.
- Haggai Ram, Ben Gurion University of the Negev: A History of Weed Culture in Palestine-Israel: Ethnic, Class and Gendered Perspectives. Watch the recording.
Tamar Sella, Rice University: Reorienting Diasporic Lineage: Queer and Femme Arab-Jewish Performance.
Maham Ayaz, Brandeis University: Land, Nation, and Individual Rights in Israel, after Basic Law: Human Dignity. Watch the recording.
Sonia Gollance, University College London: Jewish Masculinity in the Zionist Ballroom. Watch the recording.
Fall 2021
- Nechumi Yaffe, Tel Aviv University: Mate Preference in the Haredi Community in Israel Watch the recording.
- Slava Greenberg, University of Southern California: Is Israel at the Transgender Tipping Point? From Big Screen Sensations to Small Screen Intimacies Watch the recording.
- Rima Farah, Brandeis University: National Identity of Christians in Modern Israel: A Predicament? Watch the recording.
- Yaacov Yadgar, University of Oxford: Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis: What Does It Mean For Israel to be a “Jewish State?”
- Shay Hazkani, University of Maryland: Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War
- David Ellenson, Brandeis University, HUC-JIR (emeritus): Who is a Convert? The Law of Return and the Legality of Reform and Conservative Conversions in Israel Watch the recording.
Spring 2021
- Miriam Udel, Emory University: Carved Sticks and Honey Stones: Zionism in Yiddish Children’s Literature After the Holocaust. Watch the recording.
- Shai M. Dromi, Harvard University: Recovering the Land: Jewish-Israeli Settlers’ Agricultural and Environmental Pursuits in the Israeli South. Watch the recording.
- Yoram Bilu, Hebrew University: With Us More Than Ever: Making the Absent Rebbe Present in Messianic Chabad. Watch the recording.
- Adriana X. Jacobs, University of Oxford: Voices Far and Near: Translating Contemporary Israeli Poetry. Watch the recording.
- Olga Litvak, Cornell University: Judaeophobia and Palestinophilia: Symptoms of Emancipation Anxiety in Late Imperial Russia.
- Lilach Lachman, Haifa University: Voice, Audience and Gender in the Hebrew and Arab Lullaby. Watch the recording.
Fall 2020
- Chuck Freilich, Brandeis University: Rockets, Nukes and Cyber Too - Israel's Current Security Challenges
Watch the recording. - Joshua Teplitsky, Stony Brook University; Debra Kaplan, Bar-Ilan University; Alexander Kaye, Brandeis University; Zev Eleff, Touro College; Christine Hayes, Yale University: The Saga of the Citron: Historical and Global Perspectives Symposium. Watch the recording.
- Yair Wallach, SOAS, University of London: Text and Violence in Jerusalem: Hebrew Graffiti on the Western Wall. Watch the recording.
- Claris Harbon, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane: Affirmative Squatting: Mizrahi Women in Israel Correcting Past Injustices.
- Michal Raucher, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University: Books and Babies: Reproductive Literacy among Haredi Women in Israel. Watch the recording.
- Maya Dworsky-Rocha, Brandeis University: It Takes a Nation: Telescopic Temporality and Childhood in Israel. Watch the recording.
Spring 2020
Mikhal Dekel, The City College of New York: Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey
- Hilary Falb Kalisman, University of Colorado: Testing Zionism: An Imperial History of the Bagrut
- Iddo Haklai, Brandeis University: From Peshischa to Kfar-Pines: Hasidic-Romantic Nationalism in Mandatory Palestine
- Maha Nassar, The University of Arizona: Being Modern, Becoming Modern: Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Culture Debates of the '50s
- Uriel Abulof, Princeton University: Party Time in the Promised Land? Israeli Politics of Bad Faith & the Global Crisis of Liberalism
- Rachel Rojanski, Brown University: A Foreign and Grating Language? Yiddish in Israel: A History
- Tomer Persico, Shalom Hartman Institute, UC Berkeley: Jewish Nationalism and the Temple Mount: The End-Point of Zionism
Fall 2019
Yair Lorberbaum, Bar Ilan University: The Barak Court's Revolution in Legal Interpretation at the Crossroads of Legal Theory and Israeli Politics
Keren Friedman-Peleg, College of Management Academic Studies: Trauma and Resilience in Israel's Southern Periphery
David Weisburd, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Tel Aviv - Jaffa and the Law of Crime Concentration
Gary Samore, Brandeis University: Israel and Nuclear Weapons: Maintaining the Monopoly
Rachel Fish, Paul E. Singer Foundation: Rav Froman’s Vision: One Land, Two Peoples
Spring 2019
Jason Lustig, Harvard University: Who will be the successors to European Jewry? Israeli Archives and the European Jewish Cultural Legacy
Tally Kritzman-Amir, Harvard University: Seeking Asylum in Israel: Border Policies in a Comparative Context
Marik Shtern, University of California San Diego and Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research: Between the Wall and the Mall: Israelis and Palestinians in Post-Oslo Jerusalem
Orna Sasson-Levy, Bar-Ilan University: Gendered citizenship: the case of women breaking the silence
Omri Asscher, University of California, Los Angeles: Reading across Borders: Israel, America, and the Politics of Translation between Jews
Elizabeth Imber, The College of Idaho: Empire of uncertainty: Zionism, British imperialism, and the future of the Yishuv
Fall 2018
Alexander Kaye, Schusterman Center for Israel Studies, Brandeis University: The Theological Origins of Religious-Secular Conflict in Israel
Randa Abbas, Western Galilee Academic College: Israel as a Rainbow of Cultures and Traditions Druze Women as Part of a Minority
Steve Kaplan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Falasha, Beta Israel, Ethiopian Jews: Models and Methods
Eva Gurevich, Brandeis University doctoral candidate: Post-1967 Secular Messianism in Israeli Politics and Culture
Eilon Schwartz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Between Racists and Traitors: A Search for a Politics of the Common Good
Spring 2018
Walker Robins, Schusterman Center for Israel Studies: Between Dixie and Zion: Southern Baptists' Palestine Questions
Zvi Zohar, Bar-Ilan University: Why Don't Israelis in the Negev Observe Two Days of Yom Tov?
Shayna Weiss, United States Naval Academy: Holy Waters: The Controversy over Jerusalem's First Public Pool
Rifat Azam: The Israeli Supreme Court and the Challenges of Equality in Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State
Karen Spira, Brandeis University doctoral candidate: “The best place for any child”: Evolving Attitudes Toward Orphanhood in the Pre-state Yishuv
Fall 2017
Tamara Wittes, Brookings Institution: Lessons from the Trenches – Bridging the Academic-Policy Divide in US Mideast Policy
Gil Rubin, Harvard University: Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky between Eastern Europe and Palestine
Mikhael Manekin, Israel Tomorrow: The Depoliticization of the Israeli Left – How Money and Institutions Drove the Peace Camp Away from Israeli Political Discourse and Power
Yair Ettinger: Haredim in Israel – Ideology or Sociology
Dorit Rabinyan: Dorit Rabinyan on her novel "All the Rivers"
Itamar Lurie, Israeli Psychoanalytic Society: A De-Stabilizing Encounter – The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in the Therapeutic Context
Spring 2017
Sharon Shalom, Bar-Ilan University: Between 'Identification' and 'Identity' – Case Study of the Second Generation of Ethiopian Immigrants to Israel
Adam Ferziger, Bar-Ilan University: Yankees in Rabbi Kook's Court – The Role of American Orthodoxy in Israeli Judaism
Haim Koren, Israeli Ambassador: Reflections of an Israeli Diplomat in Egypt and South Sudan
Safa Aburabia, Ben-Gurion University: The Historical Discourse on the Nakba – Resistance Voices of Bedouin Women from the Naqab
Liron Shani, Brandeis University: Between Nationalism, Science and Livelihood – The Role of Agriculture in Contemporary Israeli Society
Amber Taylor, Brandeis University: Jerusalem is Not for Sale – Orthodox Opposition to the Creation of the BYU Jerusalem Center on the Mount of Olives
Fall 2016
Ronit Irshai, Rivkah Rosenberg, Avishalom Westreich: The Intersection of Religious Law, Family and Gender in Israel Today
Derek Penslar, Harvard University: Theodor Herzl – A Biography for the 21st Century
Aron Shai, Tel Aviv University: China and Israel – Strange Bedfellows
Orit Rozin, Tel Aviv University: From "A Home for All Jews:" The Right to Childhood and the Age of Marriage Law
Shlomo Fisher, Hebrew University: Jewish Identity in Israel after the Zionist Revolution: A Reading of the Pew Center Survey of the Religion of Israelis
Dan Ben-David, Tel Aviv University: Israel at a Crossroads: The View from 30,000 Feet (A socio-economic review)
Spring 2016
Aviad Hacohen, Shaarei Mishpat Academic College: Freedom of Religion in Democratic Israel – Is it a Reality or Was it a Dream?
Aviv Ben-or, Brandeis: Abandoning Language – Sami Michael as an Arabic Writer
Lital Levy, Princeton University: The Political Uncanny – Reading Palestinian-Israeli Intersubjectivities
Mohammed S. Wattad, UC Irvine / Zefat Academic College: Israel, A Jewish and Democratic State – Perspective of an Arab Minority Citizen
Shachar Pinsker, University of Michigan: To Write in a Silent Language? Yiddish in Israeli Literature and Culture
Mostafa Hussein, Brandeis University: David Yellin's Encounter with Arabo-Islamic Culture and the Study of the Land of Palestine
Liora Norwich and Robert DeBoard, Brandeis University: A Framework for Exploring Political Mobilization – An Overview of Israel Case Studies
Fall 2015
Rachel Werczberger, Tel Aviv University / UPenn: The Making of Authenticity – New Age Spirituality in Israel and the Resacralization of Jewish Identity
André Levy, Ben-Gurion University / Brandeis: Happy Mimouna – The Construction of Ethnic Frivolousness in Israel
Motti Inbari, UNC Pembroke: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, A Comparison – Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy and Messianic Religious Zionism
Noga Kadman, Tour guide and author: Palestinian Visits to Depopulated Villages in Israel
Guy Ziv, American University: The Structure-Agency Debate Revisitied – Shimon Peres and Actor Indispensability
Uri Bialer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Brandeis: Pre-State Historical Legacies and Israel's Foreign Policy
Nir Avieli, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Size Matters – Defining Israeli National Cuisine
Susanna Klosko, Brandeis University: The Inform, the Unfortunate, and the Aged – Chronic Illness, Naturalized Jews, and the American Consulate in Ottoman Jerusalem
Spring 2015
Amihai Radzyner, Bar-Ilan University Law School: The Impact of Supreme Court Rulings on the Halakhic Status of the Official Rabbinical Courts in Israel
Oren Barak, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: State, Society and Security in Israel/Palestine and Lebanon
Noam Shoval, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Jerusalem's Geopolitical Question: An Urban and Social Geography
Shraga Bar-on, Shalom Hartman Institute: "Godseekers:" A Cross-Identity State of Faith and the Jewish Renaissance in Israel
Jon Levisohn, Mandel Center for the Study of Jewish Education: Pedagogy Session - Teaching Contentious Issues
Dan Perelman, Associate Provost of Innovation in Education: Pedagogy Session - On Teaching Israel
Galeet Dardashti, Rutgers University: Money, Music and Mizrahiyut: The Piyut (Sacred Song) Craze in Israel
Anita Shapira, Tel Aviv University: Ben-Gurion - Father of Modern Israel (public event and book-signing)
Fall 2014
Yiftach Klein, Actor: "Fill the Void" - Examining Religion in Society
Gideon Aran, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Studying Palestinian Suicide Terrorism in Israel
Michael Zank, Boston University: Jerusalem in the Religious Studies Classroom - Theoretical Considerations and Topical Issues
Liora Norwich, Brandeis University: Ethnic Contention in Democratic Contexts: The Arab Minority in Israel
Yael Aronoff, University of Michigan: The Political Psychology of Israeli Prime Ministers - When Hardliners Opt for Peace
Nachman Ben-Yehuda: Israel Through a Prism of Unconventionality
Spring 2014
Jonathan Gribetz, Rutgers University: Knowing the Enemy through Translation -- On Arabic Renderings of Zionism
Donna Divine, Smith College: The Middle East Conflict -- Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword?
Savyon Leibricht, Author and Playright: Writing about the Holocaust
Gershom Gorenberg, Journalist and Historian: Rewriting Israeli History -- Two Cases of Narrative, Evidence and Cognitive Dissonancee
Hillel Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Can one Write the History of the Conflict without Lying? The Hevron Massacre (1929)
Uri Bialer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: History of Foreign Policy -- Working in Israeli Archives
David Fisher, Documentary Filmmaker: When Private Goes Public
Dan Schueftan, Haifa University: Israel's National Security Challenges in a Changing Regional and International Environment
Fall 2013
Annette Koren, Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies: Teaching Israel at American Universities -- Growth, Placement, and Future Prospects
Shai Feldman, Crown Center for Middle East Studies: Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East
Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert, INALCO Paris: On the Bonfils Archive - Photographs from the 19th Century Middle East
Ariel Roth, Israel Institute, Washington DC: Jewish Historical Memory and Israeli Security Policy
Tuvia Friling, Ben Gurion University of the Negev: 'New' Historians Use of the Shoah in Israel's Historiographical Discourse
Rachel Rojanski, Brown University: Yiddish - The Story of a Jewish Culture in a Hebrew State 1948-1968
Spring 2013
Yoel Rappel, Elie Wiesel Archive, Boston University: The Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
Edwin Seroussi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Jo Amar - A Western Israeli Artist
Sariel Birnbaum, SUNY Binghamton: Image of the Jew in Arab Historical Cinema
Yehudah Mirsky, Brandeis: Multiple Modernity as Theory and Theology - Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt and Rav Kook
Shay Rabineau, Brandeis: Israeli Hiking Trails as Articulations of National Identity
Sara Hirschhorn, Brandeis: Rabbi Shlomo Riskin and the Jewish-American Makings of Efrat
Fall 2012
Pnina Lahav, Boston University School of Law: The American Identity of Golda Meir
Ute Deichmann, Ben Gurion University of the Negev and Koeln University: The Difficult Beginning of Israeli-German Scientific Cooperation
Asaf Romirowsky, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Philadelphia: Refugee Relief: the Quakers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Uri Zaki, B’tselem USA: The Mammoth in the Room: The Israeli Occupation - Facts, Myths, Politics and Narratives
Dor Guez, Photography and Video Artist, Israel: On The Rose Art Museum Exhibition, "Dor Guez: 100 Steps to the Mediterranean"
Charles Asher Small, Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism, New Haven: Is it Possible to Study Contemporary Antisemitism in the Academy Today?: Conceptual and Political Impediments
Ilana Pardes, Harvard Divinity School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Agnon's Moonstruck Lovers: The Song of Songs in Israeli Culture
Emily McKee, Schusterman Center Post-Doctoral Fellow, Anthropology: Water Governance and the Politics of Scale: Middle-Eastern Cross-Border Conservation
Spring 2012
Tsafrir Goldberg, Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education: The Politics and Practice of Israeli High School History Curriculum about the Jewish-Arab Conflict
Eitan Bar-Yosef, University of Pennsylvania: Cry, The Beloved Country - Blackface, Mimicry, and Ethnicity in the Israeli Theater of the 1950s
Oded Haklai, Queen's University: Palestinian Ethnonationalism in Israel
Rivka Neriya Ben-Shahar, HBI Scholar/Sapir Academic College: The Creation of a New Women's Religious Culture: An Integrated Perspective
Eric Fleisch, Schusterman Scholar, NEJS: American Jewish Philanthropy to Israel in the Post-UJA Era
Efraim Inbar, Bar-Ilan University: The Arab Uprising and Israel
Abigail Jacobson, Research Fellow, Crown Center for Middle East Studies: Wallahi, al-Umma Matat...": The Ihsan Tourjman Diary as Source for Study of Jerusalem during WWI
David Jacobson, Director, Program in Judaic Studies, Brown University: The Emergence of Talmudic Legends in Contemporary Israeli Culture
Fall 2011
Laura Ligouri, Schusterman Scholar, Brandeis Anthropology: Reflections and Reconstructions of the Psyche in Israeli Theater
Michael Kassen, AIPAC President-elect: A Discussion on the Role of AIPAC
Michael Feige, Schusterman Visiting Professor, Anthropology, NEJS: The Changing Concept of Home among the West Bank Settlers
Charles D. Freilich, Senior Fellow Belfer Center, Kennedy School: National Security Decision Making Process in Israel
Yigal Schwartz, Ben Gurion University: Hebrew Literature in Europe - The 'Austro-Hungarians' versus the 'Russians'
Michal Ben-Josef Hirsch, Schusterman Post-doc Politics/Heller School: Beyond Kumbaya - Using Symbolic Reparation in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Michael Keren, University of Calgary: We Are Coming Unafraid - The Jewish Legions and the Promised Land in the First World War
Uri Bialer, Schusterman Visiting Professor History, NEJS: The History of Israel's Foreign Policy as an Area of Study
Spring 2011
Yuval Jobani, Schusterman Post-doc NEJS: Man and Nature - AD Gordon on Secular Jewish Identity
Benni Neuberger, Open University: On the Stability of Israel's Democracy
Alain Deickoff, CNRS/Universite de Quebec: The Recognition of Israel as a Jewish State
Guy Abutbul, Schusterman Scholar, Sociology: The Construction of Ethnic Identities in the Israeli Middle Class
Yoram Peri, University of Maryland: The Military's Political Role in the Middle East and in Israel
Rachel Fish, Schusterman Scholar, NEJS: Michel Warshawski and the Zionist Idea
Avinoam Patt, University of Hartford: 'The People Must be Forced to go to Palestine' - a New Assessment of Zionism among the Survivors of the Holocaust
Adi Gordon, University of Cincinnati: On Jews and Other Nations - The Intellectual Biography of Hans Kohn
Fall 2010
All seminar participants: Topics on Chanukah
Ceynep Zivcik, Schusterman Scholar, Politics: Turkey and Israel - The Role of the Military in Civil Society
Dan Ben-David, Tel Aviv University: A Macro Perspective of Israel's Society and Economy
Mitchell Bard, AICE: The Arab Lobby
Nahshon Perez, Visiting Professor Boston University : The Privatization of Jewishness in Israel: On Markets, Pork and the Sabbath
Gerald Steinberg, NGO Monitor: Monitoring NGOs
Uzi Rebhun, Hebrew University: Demography, Social Prosperity and the Future of a Sovereign Israel
Pnina Lahav, Boston University: A Small Nation Goes to War: Israel's Cabinet Authorization of the 1956 War
Sammy Smooha, Haifa University/Brandeis University: Is Israel Western?
Spring 2010
Liora Halperin, Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies: Language Diversity in the Yishuv
Sayed Kashua, Writer-in-Residence, Haaretz columnist, novelist, screenwriter
Aviva Halamish, Open University of Israel, Brandeis University: Soviet Influences on Israeli Culture in the Early Years
Andi Arnovitz, HBI Artist in Residence Brandeis University: Tear/ Repair [kriah/ichooi]
Ethan Bronner, Jerusalem Bureau Chief, New York Times: Covering the Middle East in 2010: A Report from the Field
Maoz Azaryahu, Haifa University/Brandeis University Anthropology: Asher Hiram and the Architecture of Military Cemeteries
Dalia Ofer, HBI Guest, Brandeis University: Parenthood in the Shadow of the Holocaust
Yarden Fanta-Vagenshtein, Harvard Research Fellow: Education: The Ethiopian-Israeli Community
Shay Rabineau, Schusterman Scholar, NEJS: Hiking Trails in Israel
Fall 2009
Michal Ben-Josef Hirsh, Schusterman Politics Post-doc, Politics: Until the Messiah do us Part: An Ideational and Political Alliance Between Israel and American Christians
Daphne Tsimhoni, Princeton University: Between the Star and the Crescent: The Position and Dilemmas of Palestinian Christians, in Between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
Alex Weingrod, Professor Emeritus Ben-Gurion University: The New Israeli Minorities
Edwin Seroussi, Hebrew University: Music in Israel Today: Processes and Experiences
Yoram Bilu, Schusterman Visiting Professor/Anthropology: The Messianic Self: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Habad and Braslav in Israel
Spring 2009
Mordechi Inbari, Schusterman Post-doc/NEJS: Rabbi Amram Bloi and the History of Neturei Karta
Randy Geller, Schusterman Scholar/NEJS: Framing the Druze Question: A Unique Minority in the Jewish State
Nili Gold, University of Pennsylvania: Writing Literary Biography
Gabi Sheffer, Hebrew University: The Study of Civil-Military Relations in Israel: A New Perspective
Nira Yuval Davis, University of East London: Belonging and the Politics of Belonging
Hagar Lahav, Sapir Academic College, HBI: The State of Journalism in Israel
Paula Kabalo, Ben Gurion University of the Negev/Boston University: Challenging Disempowerment in 1948: The Role of the Jewish Third Sector during the Israeli War of Independence
Gannit Ankori, Hebrew University, Brandeis University: Israeli Art
Fall 2008
Benny Gidron, Schusterman Visiting Professor/Heller School, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Civil Society: The Missing Link in Israel Studies
Guy Ben Porat, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Secular but illiberal? Paradoxes of Israeli Democracy
Ronit Matalon, Haifa University: On Memory & Autobiography
Dr. Maina Chawla Singh, University of Delhi/American University: 'Being Indian--Being Israeli': Ethnicity and Identity Among Indian Jews in Israel
Etgar Keret, Writer: Girl on the Fridge, Jellyfish
Yaacov Ariel, University of North Carolina: Christian Zionism
Joseph Ringel, Schusterman Scholar/NEJS: What Is A Sephardi? A Debate Between R. Ovadiah Yosef And R. Eliyahu Zinni
Spring 2008
Natan Aridan, Ben Gurion University: Israeli Diplomacy and Diaspora Communities 1948-1957
Ofir Abu,Schusterman Scholar/Politics: Nationalism, Religion and the Breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Motti Inbari, Schusterman Post-doc/NEJS: Who Will Build the Third Temple: Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount
Motti Inbari, Schusterman Post-doc/NEJS: Theology of the Disengagement: Rabbinical Response to a Crisis of Faith
Rachel Fish, Schusterman Scholar/NEJS: Bi-Nationalism: Nation-State Creation or Intellectual Framework
Guy Abutbul Selinger, Schusterman Scholar/Sociology: From Mizrahiyut to Sephardiyut: The Construction of a New Political Subject