Teaching Israel with Impact
May 7, 2019
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Brandeis University
This one-day workshop conducted by renowned educator Dr. Erika Falk, is designed for doctoral students, post doctorates, and faculty in the Boston area who teach, or plan to teach, Israel-related topics.
How professors teach impacts student learning, yet few academics ever receive training in how to teach. Teaching Israel nowadays may be an especially fraught endeavor. Dr. Falk can help. Her hands-on workshop focuses on strategic syllabus design. She will also share “best practices” for teaching Israel in a variety of contexts. Learn about “backwards design and alignment” as well as other pedagogical approaches developed to help create effective learning environments. Network with others teaching about Israel in the Boston area. Whether you are brand new to the classroom, or a veteran educator, this workshop will help improve your teaching.
Dr. Falk is the program director of the Israel Institute, an academic organization dedicated to promoting teaching and research about modern Israel. She regularly trains faculty on how to improve their teaching methods and is the author of Becoming a New Instructor.
The workshop is open to graduate students, post-doctorates and faculty members regardless of prior experience. View schedule.
Kosher lunch provided. The program is free, but spaces are limited. Registration closed on March 31, 2019.
For any questions, contact our associate director Dr. Shayna Weiss.