Collection Development
The Brandeis Library is committed to efficient and effective use of university resources, including:
- Maximizing efficiency in access to the information needed by the Brandeis community;
- Tailoring the utilization of university resources to university needs;
- Partnering with faculty in light of changing curricular emphases
Criteria for Local Development of Information Resources
Our investment in digital information resources has allowed us to grow beyond the walls of our libraries. We are able to offer rich and varied information resources to the Brandeis community by maximizing the use of digital resources and by emphasizing our unique and special collections. In seeking to maintain the most efficient and effective environment for learning, teaching, and scholarship, we will use the following guidelines for further development of the Brandeis information environment.
- Priority for purchases will be given to full text scholarly content over indexes and abstracts.
- Information resources will be purchased in a single format, with the digital format preferred. The digital format allows multiple simultaneous users to access the resource without the limitations of operating hours and location. The digital format also allows supplemental course materials to be made accessible via Moodle, the learning management system.
- The library will maximize membership in the Boston Library Consortium, which allows members of the Brandeis community onsite use of 18 research library collections, as well as priority service in interlibrary loans.
- The library will maximize use of the online information environment, guiding students and researchers in the use of this rich and rapidly developing world of information.
Annual Evaluation of Information Resources
All subscription and licensed resources will be evaluated annually based on relevance to the Brandeis curriculum, overall usage, cost per search (if online), and total cost of access.
We will consult with faculty to determine the importance and relevance of resources for teaching and research.
Purchase Requests
You can use the Library Purchase Request Form to submit a purchase request to Collections staff. Purchase requests and suggestions may also be submitted by contacting your library subject liaison.
Use of Other Collections
Materials not owned by the Brandeis Library may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Cooperative Borrowing Programs include the Boston Library Consortium and the Faculty Borrowing Program of OCLC. Access the holdings of Boston Library Consortium members.