Brandeis Open Access Fund

The purpose of the Brandeis University Library Open Access Fund is to extend the Library’s support of scholarly publishing to faculty, staff, and students in established scholarly journals that are not supported through subscriptions. Providing the requirements are met, the library will provide 100% of the funding per article.


All aspects of this policy, including the parameters of reimbursement, will be reviewed annually in light of our experience and external factors.

Funding is available to current faculty, staff and students. Only one author per article may apply.

Journal Requirements

Funding is available for open access journals that do not charge a fee for institutions, libraries or readers for access to the content, and do not have an embargo period for access. This includes:

Fee Eligibility

Only those fees associated with open access publishing are eligible for support. Costs for reprints, color illustration fees, non-open access page charges, administrative charges and other fees are not supported.

Articles whose underlying research was funded by grants that allow funds to be used for open access fees are not eligible for funding. In other words, article processing charges (APC’s) that can otherwise be covered by a gift or grant from a foundation, institution or agency will not be covered by the Library Open Access Fund. If you have funding from another source that could cover your APC, you should use that source instead. The Library Open Access Fund is limited to authors who have no other funding source.

Maximum Support Limits

In order to include as many authors as possible while covering typical costs the Library Open Access Fund will support 100% of the supported charges with a limit of $3000.00 per fiscal year.

Review Process

Disbursement is based on a first come first served basis until the funding for a given year is exhausted, provided all guidelines are met.


This fund is part of the Library’s commitment to support open access, which also includes the management of ScholarWorks. Acceptance of open access funds requires submission of the supported article to ScholarWorks within three months of publications. 

Submit a Brandeis Open Access Fund Request