
Recurring Center Events

  • MRSEC Seminars  
    One hour seminars featuring outside speakers presenting research at the frontier of Bioinspired Soft Materials. MRSEC Seminars occur approximately 1-3 times per month, and are held on a Thursday at 11:10am in Abelson 229 unless otherwise noted. The seminars are targeted towards graduate students and other researchers in the field, although everyone is invited to attend. As the topics are highly interdisciplinary, seminars are designed to be accessible to a wide range of backgrounds. 
  • IRG Meetings
  • Annual MRSEC Retreat
    A yearly on-campus event with the research goal of understanding the emergence of biomimetic functionalities that are highly sought-after in materials science and to synergistically engineer life-like materials. MRSEC members will be required to attend and present a poster or talk.The next will occur on April 11, 2024.
  • Winter School
    A retreat typically held Vermont or New Hampshire where attendees give presentations on their research and network with other Center members. All members are encouraged to attend and attendees will be required to present a poster or talk as the price of admission. The MRSEC holds an annual t-shirt designing competition for Winter School as well. The next Winter School will be February 12-15, 2024.
  • Past Workshops
  • Video Competition
  • Introduction to Microfluidics Course
  • New England Complex Fluids Workshop
    The NECFW gives graduate students and postdocs a chance to present their work, to network, form collaborations and learn about careers in industry and academia.
  • Greater Boston Area Statistical Mechanics
  • Brandeis MRSEC Science Slam
  • Brandeis Scientists in the Classroom
  • Electronic Fabrication Workshop