Research Experience for Undergraduates
The REU is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to MRSEC laboratories.
What the MRSEC REU Offers
10 weeks of hands-on research in a Brandeis MRSEC laboratory
$6,000 stipend per student
Free housing and allowances for meals and travel
Grad school preparation, faculty mentoring, professional development and social engagement with other students on campus
Poster presentation at the end of the summer at the Annual Brandeis SciFest Celebration.
Apply for the 2025 REU!
Program Details
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Must be U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, or permanent resident
- Must be 18 years of age or older at the start of the program
Must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program (biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, bio-engineering, computer science and related fields) and continue to be enrolled in an undergraduate program the semester after the REU opportunity. Students from community colleges are strongly encouraged to apply.
The application opens in Late September/early October
11:59 p.m. EST, February 1, 2025: ALL application components must be submitted in order to be considered for selection to the MRSEC REU cohort. Your application will not be considered if it is missing any required application components.
- We will start to review and consider applications before this date (rolling application) so the earlier you complete your application the better!
- March: Acceptance notifications
- June 2 — August 8, 2025 (tentative): 10 weeks of REU experience at Brandeis University
- Note: The MRSEC REU program will be contingent on, and consistent with, the University’s research lab Covid-19 protocols at the time of the program. At this point, the University and all research activities are fully in-person.
Background/identifying information
Academic information
Transcript (we will accept unofficial transcripts)
Responses to the two essay prompts below. Please note that your responses need to be copied into the online application submission form and that each essay should be ~2-4 paragraphs in length.
- Please describe your previous research experience and correlate this previous research work to the theme of the Brandeis Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. Be sure to include the institution name(s), lab/PI name(s) and dates for each former experience.
State how participation in the MRSEC REU program will benefit your future academic and professional careers.
Recommendation letters from two faculty members that are in a PDF format
Frequently Asked Questions
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There are 6-8 REU students in a summer cohort.
Applicants are free to ask whomever they feel would provide the best support as to why they are strong contenders to participate in REU. However, it is best practice to connect with your professor/PI first.
When you have limited or no research experience, it is best to describe a specific moment in a science class or a time at a museum (for example) that you became really curious and interested in a science topic. Consider writing about how you wanted to learn more — maybe that you started asking questions or were curious about the next steps in the research. Do not leave the question blank.
In your essay(s), take the time to review potential mentors and have compelling reasons to be placed at one lab. In other words, research the research before applying. When writing about your experiences, provide context, details and motivation behind your work experiences and organization participation — don't just write a list. Also, show that you have energy and enthusiasm for the work and curiosity to learn more. Lastly, have your application proofread by someone you trust before you send it.
Differentiate yourself from the dozens of other students in class by making an appointment today with your science or math class professors. Go to their office hours. Ask questions in class. Get noticed. Ask questions about their classes and then say, "I'd like your advice about getting into science research."
Make sure to ask the professors writing your letters of recommendation weeks ahead of the REU deadline if they are willing to write letters for you. Next, consider sending them your REU essay responses, resume and transcript. Remind them why you are awesome, why you are excited about this opportunity and how the opportunity connects with your future goals.