2013 Undergraduates
REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)
Wesley Cohen
REU 2013
Research: "PhaseChip Trajectories." Cohen used phase-chip to investigate permeation.
Amber Simmons
REU 2013
Research: experimented with drop-on-demand using microfluidics.
Kristine Chiu
REU 2013
Research: "The Formation of New Molecular Biofunctional Materials"
Sarah Gannon
REU 2013
Jacob Gold
REU 2013
Research: designing and testing nonlinear chemical computation circuits both computationally and experimentally with microfluidics.
Shanice Graham
REU 2013
Research: Bacterial flagella polymorphic transitions in different environmental conditions.
Lauren O'Neil
REU 2013
Adam Wang
REU 2013
Research: designing and testing nonlinear chemical computation circuits both computationally and experimentally with microfluidics.