2015 Undergraduates
![Group picture of the 2015 Undergraduates](../../images/people/2015-undergraduates/reu2015-group.jpg)
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Andrea Demos
Saint Michael's College
Effects of Caffeine on Rad53 Phosphorylation after DNA Damage
Chunlong Huang
Bunker Hill Community College
Phase Separation of Oppositely Chiral Rods in Colloidal Membranes
Anna Kolstad
Princeton University
Phase Response of Oscillating BZ Droplets to Light Perturbations with Varying Ru(bpy)2 2+ Concentrations
Ariel Morley
Bay Path University
Understanding the Relationship Between Retromer and Disease Associated Proteins at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Tarik Phillips
University of Florida
Self-Assembly of Multidimensional Colloidal Structures by Tuning Osmotic Pressure and Constituent Particle Ratios
Devon Powell
New College of Florida
Are You Gellin’? Exploring Cancer Therapy with Hydrogels
Molly Srour
St. Olaf College
Reconstitution of Accelerated Steady-State Actin Treadmilling in vitro
Rebecca Sternberg
Brandeis University
Incorporation of Pt And Pd Pincer Complexes Into Metal/Organic Frameworks for Heterogeneous Catalysis