Support for Publication Costs
The MRSEC publication policy is to support only multi-PP publications. The total amount per year is capped at $30k.
The publication policy for multi-PP articles in high priority journals is that the MRSEC will pay the minimum of $2000 or the total cost divided by the number acknowledged grants.
The publication policy for multi-PP articles in other journals is that the MRSEC will pay the minimum of $1000 or the total cost divided by the number acknowledged grants.
List of high priority materials/interdiscip linary journals:
ScienceNature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Chemistry, Nature Cell Bio., etc.Nat. Comm.Sci. Adv.JACSPNASAdvanced MaterialsPRL & PRX
Here is an example: say you publish a multi-PP article in PNAS and the cost is $3000. If you acknowledge 5 grants, the MRSEC will pay $600 for your article in PNAS. If you only acknowledge the MRSEC 2011846 and no other grant, then the MRSEC will pay $2000. Congratulations!
A National Science Foundation sponsored Material Research Science and Engineering Center