James R. Bensinger

James R. BensingerResearch Professor; Professor Emeritus of Physics


PhD, University of Wisconsin, 1970


James Bensinger is interested in interactions of fundamental particles at the highest possible energy. He participates in the ATLAS experiment on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. He has worked, with other members of the experimental high-energy physics group, on the development of the muon spectrometer including the design, construction and installation of the precision chambers and the alignment system for the endcap muon spectrometer. In the ATLAS experiment the forces between the basic particles of nature are studied and new fundamental particles are searched for.

Group Website CV and list of publications (pdf)

Recent PhD Students

Dana S. Partos (2001) "Measurement of the sqrt(s) Dependence of Isolated Direct Photon Production in ppbar Collisions" Present Position: CNA Corporation, Alexandria, VA

Sample of Recent Publications

The ATLAS Collaboration, "Study of the ATLAS MDT spectrometer using high energy CERN combined test beam data," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A598. (2009): 400-415

The ATLAS Collaboration, "The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider," JINST 3. (2009): S08003

Bensinger, James R., "System test of the ATLAS muon spectrometer in the H8 beam at the CERN SPS," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A593. May (2008): 232-254

C. Amelung, J. Bensinger, A. Dushkin, M. Gardner, K. Hashemi, E. Henry, B. Kaplan, P. Keselman, M. Ketchum, U. Landgraf, A. Ostapchuk, J. Rothberg, A. Schricker, N. Skvorodnev, H. Wellenstein, "The Optical Alignment System of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Endcaps," JINST 3. (2008): 11005-11065