High-Energy Experiment
The Brandeis experimental high energy physics group has a long history of studying electroweak and strong interactions at the world’s highest energy hadron colliders. Currently our research is focused on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the international accelerator laboratory CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The group is comprised of Professors Aram Apyan and Gabriella Sciolla.
The Brandeis group is a member of the ATLAS Collaboration, which built one of the two large, general purpose detectors for the LHC. In the LHC, beams of protons collide at a center-of-mass energy of 13.6 TeV, the highest energy particle collisions in the world.
The LHC provides the potential for many discoveries and precision measurements of many parameters. The Brandeis group pursues a broad physics program presently focusing on the measurement of Higgs boson properties, precision Standard Model measurements, and direct searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The Brandeis ATLAS group is very active on detector activities. Brandeis faculty and staff have been key contributors to the ATLAS Muon detector, both in building and operating the detector (Bensinger, Blocker) and to the Inner tracker (ITk) Strips detector upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC run (Apyan, Sciolla). The group also plays a leading role in the ATLAS Tracking Combined Performance group activities.