Expertise: Experimental particle physics: precision tests of the electroweak sector of standard model of particle physics and search of new physics beyond the standard model
Expertise: Condensed matter theory; nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; emergent phenomena such as phase transitions and pattern formation in far-from-equilibrium complex fluids including granular materials, self-propelled particles and other active materials
Expertise: Condensed matter theory, especially systems far from equilibrium; jamming and flow in non-thermal systems including dense suspensions, granular and glassy solids and biological tissues
Expertise: Astrophysical-geophysical fluid dynamics, atmospheric and climate dynamics; extrasolar planets and planetary science; vortex dynamics and turbulence; numerical methods; mathematical physics
Expertise: Active matter, soft condensed matter, biophysics, collective cell behaviors
Expertise: Complex fluids; interparticle interactions and phase transitions in colloidal suspensions; entropy driven disorder-to-order transitions; physics of protein crystallization and the development of microfluidic-based, high-throughout crystallization devices
Expertise: Application of statistical mechanics, modern computational techniques, machine learning tools, and theory to problems in biology and condensed matter physics; assembly of viral capsids and other large protein complexes; pattern formation in collections of internally driven particles; effects of molecular chirality on large-scale structure.
Expertise: String theory and related areas of quantum field theory, general relativity and geometry; elliptic numerical relativity; quantum information theory and its relation to holography and quantum gravity
Expertise: Condensed matter theory and quantitative biology; application of condensed matter physics models to problems in molecular and cell biology such as regulation of gene expression and chromosome structure
Expertise: Quantum field theory; string theory and their applications to particle physics, cosmology and quantum gravity; interface between theoretical physics and mathematics, especially algebraic geometry; application of quantum field theory to condensed matter physics
Expertise: Soft matter and biological physics; programmable self-assembly of soft materials; colloidal interactions and phase transitions; DNA nanotechnology and DNA origami; active matter
Expertise: Experimental high-energy physics group; measurement of Higgs boson properties; searches for physics beyond the Standard Model; Dark Matter searches at the LHC; construction and commissioning of silicon detectors (ATLAS ITk); reconstruction and calibration of tracks and muons in the ATLAS detector.
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Expertise: Physics of quantum information, especially in the interface between condensed matter physics, quantum information science, and gravity and holography
Expertise: Mechanics of cell and tissue development, collective behaviors in living systems
Teaching Faculty
Affiliated Faculty
Expertise: Complex fluids and biological physics; understanding and controlling the self-assembly of matter on a colloidal length scale; assembly, phase transitions and dynamics of colloidal systems under nonequilibrium conditions
Expertise: Climate science, physical oceanography, turbulence and mixing, estuarine and coastal fluid dynamics
Sally Warner is a physical oceanographer who studies how water moves and mixes in the ocean. She is particularly interested in connecting the small, fast motions of turbulence to decadal-scale, global processes like El Niño and climate change. She has spent many months living and working on oceanographic research vessels in places like the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. As an educator, she aims to teach climate science and oceanography in ways that highlight local case studies to motivate the underlying science.
Emeritus Faculty
Expertise: Interactions of fundamental particles at the highest possible energy. Development and operation of the Atlas Experiment on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN with the Brandeis experimental high-energy physics group.
Expertise: High-energy proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, properties of the Higgs boson, search for new physics beyond the Standard Model, including lepton-flavor violation, excited leptons, and left-right symmetric models
Expertise: Experimental high-energy physics
Expertise: K-12 science and environmental education, teacher training, curriculum research
Expertise: Galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, radio astronomy, theoretical astrophysics
Expertise: Quantum field theory, conformal field theory and the theory of strings; testing M-theory by comparison of its predictions with known results of N=2 Seiberg-Witten supersymmetric gauge theories
Expertise: Astrophysics group. Polarization-sensitive observations of extragalactic radio sources, using the Very Large Array and the Very Long Baseline Array of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Observations of X-ray–emitting jets in quasars with the Chandra Observatory.
In Memoriam
Expertise: Quantum theory of fields, elementary particles, gravitation, supergravity, strings
Expertise: Liquid crystals, colloids, polymers