Expertise: Cognitive neuroscience, executive function, neuromodulator systems (dopamine, acetylcholine), aging.
Expertise: Early adversity, intimate partner violence, mechanisms of risk and resilience, and traumatic stress.
Expertise: Human spatial orientation, posture and balance, movement control and coordination, sensory-motor adaptation, motor development, multi-sensory interactions, space perception, space flight physiology, human factors in virtual environments, motion sickness, brain-computer interaction.
Expertise: Effects of age and culture on memory and social cognition.
Expertise: Social and affective neuroscience; cross-group resonance; emotion and self-control; empathy and environmentalism.
Expertise: Cognitive neuroscience, reward, learning, decision-making, chemosensation.
Expertise: Neurophysiology of learning and decision-making.
Expertise: Neural dynamics of gustatory perception and learning.
Expertise: Life-span development, midlife, aging, sense of control, adult personality, memory, health-promoting behaviors, intervention research to improve cognitive and physical functioning.
Expertise: Spatial orientation, human movement control, adaptation to unusual force environments.
Expertise: Applied statistics; linear and nonlinear multilevel modeling / hierarchical linear modeling (HLM); structural equation modeling (SEM); general and generalized linear modeling; longitudinal data analysis child development: factors (at individual, familial, communal and cultural levels) related to child psychological adjustment (internalizing and externalizing) and school performance.
Expertise: Developmental cognitive neuroscience and psychology.
Expertise: Visual perception, cognitive processes, particularly visual memory, navigation of complex environments, imitation of seen actions, age-related changes in cognitive function.
Expertise: Cognitive processes, adolescent development, developmental psychopathology.
Expertise: The intersection between clinical psychology, depression, gender, development, emotion regulation, specifically: gender and developmental differences in and risks for depression; risk, resiliency and depression prevention; emotion regulation, self-focused attention, rumination and reflection; coping, and development; psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology and affective disorders (i.e., postpartum depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder).
Adjunct Faculty
Expertise: Intersectionality of emotion and sympathetic nervous system and neuroendocrine stress responses, and predictors and moderators of these underlying mechanisms, including the effects of age, culture, gender and body image.
Expertise: Student mental health, adolescent & emerging adult development, school counseling, educational access for underrepresented/underserved student populations
BA Wesleyan University
PhD Boston University
Expertise: Clinical and developmental psychology, nonverbal communication, emotional development; gender differences.
Expertise: Visual space perception and information processing; monocular visual space perception: size and shape constancy and the metric perceived space.
Expertise: Clinical psychology and experimental psychopathology, with specific expertise in psychopathy, sexual aggression and bullying.
Expertise: Developmental psychology.
Expertise: Age-related hearing loss in older adults and its effects on cognitive function, speech comprehension and memory.
Expertise: Comparative psychology, learning theory, sensory physiology.
Expertise: Social psychology, face perception, facial stereotypes (babyfaceness, attractiveness), aging and social perception.