Friends of HBI

Women in an art gallery gathering about a an artwork that looks like a Torah with Hebrew writing on it. Caron Tabb, the artist, is on the right.Help HBI celebrate our 25th anniversary this year with a gift of $250 or more.  

Every year, HBI brings between 40 and 50 free programs to you, both live and on Zoom. Through scholarship,  author talks, and art we are deepening your interest in the burgeoning world of Jewish women’s and gender studies. 

HBI’s programs are made possible by gifts from generous donors like yourselves. The Friends of HBI help us make it all happen. We will honor you by displaying your names on our Friends of HBI web page, and offering special access events. 

Image: Curator and artist Caron Tabb, on right, discussing her work, "I Am My Sisters Keeper 2", with gallery visitors. Curator's Tour, Deeply Rooted: Faith in Reproductive Justice, January 12, 2024

Become a Friend of HBI or contact Amy Powell to continue the conversation.

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Friends of HBI 


Dr. Anne Alper

Ms. Jenny Altschuler

Ms. Lynne Avadenka

Ms. Jacqueline P. Baer

Ms. Adele Fleet Bacow

Ms. Colette B. Bakalarz

Ms. Rachel Barenbaum

Ms. Ornit Barkai

Dr. Robert M. Bayer

Ms. Deborah Freedman Belt and Erik Belt

Ms. Susan Bley

Sharon Bober

Judy Bolton-Fasman

Mr. Grant Brandon

Mrs. Miriam L. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Claire and Daniel B. Caine

Mrs. Ellen Calmas

Talia Carner and Ron Carner

Mrs. Merle R. Carrus and Mr. Steven D. Carrus

David and Randee Charney

Ms. Robin Clebnik

Sharon Cohen

Mrs. Carole Decter and Mr. David Decter

Ms. Judith Dunn

Rabbi David Ellenson, z"l, and Ms. Jacqueline Koch Ellenson

Ms. Shannon C. Falkson

Ms. Frances Y. Feldman and Mr. Gary Feldman

Ms. Judi Finkelstein

Rachel Foster

Ms. Janet L. Freedman

Mrs. Ruthanne Fuller

Mrs. Leslie Gaffin and Mr. Michael A. Gaffin

Mrs. Susan Gesundheit

Dr. Abigail Gillman

Dr. Nora Gold and Dr. David Weiss

Dr. Ellen S. Golub

Mrs. Sue Ellen Gotz

Mrs. Beth Greenberg

Ofra Greenberg, Ph.D.

Ms. Carole A. Greenfield

Dr. Barbara Wallace Grossman and Mr. Steven Grossman

Ms. Jessica R. Grosman

Dr. Phyllis Hammer

Ms. Viva Hammer

Mrs. Hinda Haskell

Ms. Judith Hyman

Dr. Elliot and Dr. Esther Israel

Dr. Lisa Fishbayn Joffe

Mrs. Aileen Walborsky Josephs

Ms. Miriam Josephs

Susan H. Kasle and Jon Kasle

Mrs. Debra R. Kaufman and Mr. Michael W. Kaufman

Ms. Mindy M. Kempner and Mr. Irving M. Kempner

Jody Kipnis

Mrs. Zieva L. Konvisser and Mr. Marc W. Konvisser

Dr. Ellen Kornmehl and Dr. Ernest Kornmehl

Mr. Jonathan Ariel Kraft

Mr. Robert K. Kraft

Mrs. Toby Kumin and Mr. Michael Kumin

Ms. Pnina Lahav

Ms. Ellie Lainer

Ms. Diane Lederman

Ms. Marcia Leifer and Mr. Alan Leifer

Mr. and Mrs. Sid and Nancy Lejfer

Ms. Cheryl Lester

Ms. Ann L. Levin

Ms. Ronnie Levin

Dr. Tobe Levin

Mr. Roberto Levy

Ms. Annette Liberman-Miller and Mr. Michael A. Miller

Hadassah and Joe Lieberman, z"l

Ms. Liora Ostrowicz Lilienthal

Ms. Joan Lipsig

Dr. Louise Levesque Lopman

Mrs. Valerie L. Lowenstein and Mr. Arnold Lowenstein

Ms. Dalya Luttwak

Ms. Bindu Malieckal

Ms. Gloria Margulies

Ms. Sandra J. Mayo

Ms. Beth McAuley

Ms. Lauri Meizler

Ms. Ludmila Melchior-Yahil and Mr. Amos Yahil

Ms. Heidi J. Meyer

Ms. Rachel Munn and Mr. Charles Munn

Ms. Sylvia Neil and Mr. Dan Fischel

Dr. Ruth Nemzoff 

Ms. Phoebe Olhava

Mrs. Ellen O'Connell

Mrs. Sarah Ovadia

Ms. Toba Penny

Ms. Sarah Perry

Tania Phillips and Jeffrey Dover

Ms. Amy Sessler Powell

Ms. Terri Brown Preuss and Mr. Gil Preuss

Mrs. Suzanne G. Priebatsch

Dr. Jay Prosser

Mrs. Erica Abate Recht and Mr. Marc A. Recht

Dr. Shulamit Reinharz and Dr. Jehuda Reinharz

Dr. Elaine Reuben, z"l

Anita Wyzanski Robboy, Esq.

Ms. Francine Rosenzweig

Ms. Debra Roshfeld

Ms. Farrah Raskin Rubenstein

Ms. Kim Rubin

Ms. Rosina Lida Rubin and Mr. Jeffrey H. Rose

Mrs. Beverly Popek Ruyle

Ms. Marci Sage

Ms. Carol Salter

Mrs. Annie Laurie Sandler

Ms. Celia Leeder Sandler

Mrs. Judith S. Saxe and Dr. Stanley R. Saxe

Ms. Beth Schlager

Mr. Andrew Schon

Dr. Laura S. Schor

Ms. Sharon B. Schumack

Ms. Rosalie Shane

Ms. Beverly Chernak Sherwat and Mr. Harlan Sherwat

Ms. Gabrielle Sigel

Dr. Roseanne K. Silberman

Alfred and Gilda Slifka Foundation

Dr. Rachel E. Spector

Ms. Beverly A. Stein

Ms. Leonora Stonehill

Ms. Sarah Swartz

Ms. Marilyn Takefman

Gail S. Tescher

Ms. Diane L. Troderman

Ms. Ornat Turin

Ms. Debra Vodenos

Ms. Andrea K. Waldstein

The Joseph and Debra Weinberg Family Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Marjorie A. Wiggins

Ms. Livia S. Yanowicz

Ms. Froma Zeitlin

Matt Zisow