Class of 1994
Ardra (Weber) Belitz shares sad news of her husband’s untimely passing after a courageous six-year battle with esophageal cancer. She writes, “Brandeis classmates might remember Paul’s campus visits; we were dating during senior year and married two weeks after graduation. Paul was a revered podiatrist; exceptional husband; and loving father to our three children, Yoel (23), Leora (19) and Eitan (10). May his memory be blessed.” Bobbi (Brachfeld) Bittker serves on the board of Philadelphia’s Mazzoni Center, dedicated to meeting the health and wellness needs of the LGBTQ communities. She also joined the editorial board of Human Rights Magazine, an award-winning publication of the American Bar Association’s Civil Rights and Social Justice section. Howard Jeruchimowitz, P’23, became president of the Brandeis Alumni Club of Chicago in July. Seth Kessler is thankful for the silver linings of 2020. He reports, “While online learning has not been the same for our baseball-loving 13- and 15-year-old boys, the family has been making the best of what was a very long year. We love living in Bethesda, Maryland; being across the street from a big park has come in very handy this year. Dara Neumann Kessler ’95 made the wise decision to add an adorable miniature poodle (named RBG) to help us navigate the pandemic. And, with a pause on practicing dentistry due to the pandemic, she had more time to build her parent coaching practice. We squeezed in socially distanced visits with Marc Nobleman, Shoshanna Hecht ’95, Andrew Douglas ’95, Lee and Michelle Sosin, and Maxine Teller; had a Zoom double date with Dave and Rebecca Handler Andrade, both ’95; and virtually attended the bat mitzvah of Francesca Segre’s daughter. Fortunately, InnerWorkings, my company of 14-plus years, was bought out by a large private equity firm at the end of 2020, so I am looking forward to starting many things fresh in 2021.”
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