Class of 2004
Matt Hawthorne is policy director at the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, a coalition of faith groups that oppose torture and believe in the importance of human rights. Matt also chairs the Interfaith Working Group on Drone Warfare, through which the Washington, D.C., representatives of national faith communities advocate for limits on the United States’ use of armed drones. In October, Joseph Mizrahi was elected to the executive board of United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Local 21. Anne Weston Emerson and Eric Alan Knapp were married on July 11, on a roof deck in Boston at the former home of the bride’s late father, Michael W.C. Emerson. Guests attending virtually included Benjamin Yudkoff, MA’05; Rob Snyder; and Shanna Zell. Anne, who received a JD from DePaul University School of Law and an LLM from Loyola University, is chief of staff for the Chicago City Council’s finance committee. Eric, who served in the U.S. Air Force, is a journeyman pipe fitter with Pipefitters Local 597.
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