Office of the Provost

Updated Intellectual Property Policy

June 2, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share our updated Intellectual Property Policy.

Over the past two years the Intellectual Property Review Committee conducted an extensive review of our Intellectual Property Policy (last updated in 2004) to ensure that our updated policy is transparent and consistent with best practices, and also reflects the nature of research and innovation at Brandeis. I want to extend my sincere thanks to the members of the committee: Prof. Linda Bui, IBS/Econ (chair); Ed Hackett, Vice Provost for Research; Steve Locke, General Counsel; Rebecca Menapace, Executive Director, Office of Technology Licensing; Sam Solomon, CFO and Treasurer; Prof. Gary Jefferson, Economics; Prof. Daniel Oprian, Biochemistry; and Prof. Dagmar Ringe, Biochemistry. I am also grateful to the many faculty and staff who engaged in this process with the Committee.

The new Intellectual Property Policy is effective as of May 14, 2020, and can be found on the Office of Technology Licensing website along with the previous IP policies that remain in effect for the time periods they cover.

In our most recent faculty meeting concerns were expressed about the potential use of the course lecture videos that faculty at the University have made during this period of remote instruction or in the future. I want to assure you that the University has no plans to use these videos to displace any faculty member from teaching their courses. They will only be used as a resource to foster the teaching and educational goals of the University.


Lisa M. Lynch, Provost