Office of Study Abroad

Profile: Mesoud Awol '23

Mesoud Awol

Major: Business

Semester abroad: Academic Year 2021-22

Study Abroad Program: London School of Economics

Reason you chose this program: It was an opportunity to visit Europe and London.

Favorite class: Sustainable Development

Housing situation: I lived in an LSE dorm, go Roseberry Hall!

Favorite memory: Heading to Greenwich and having Nando's for the first time with my good friend.

What was your greatest challenge? Initially matriculating, I was unaware of the academic rigor and system that is unique to LSE.

Scholarships you applied to and how they impacted your time abroad: I applied to FEA, Gillman, and Sachar.

What you know now that you didn’t know before? Studying abroad can be a time for self-reflection, awareness, and enjoyment.

Fact about your host country that you think people would be surprised to learn: Over 300 languages are spoken in London.

“Studying abroad can be a time for self-reflection, awareness, and enjoyment.”

Mesoud Awol '23