Graduate Training Faculty
The Biochemistry and Biophysics graduate training faculty include Biochemistry faculty and affiliated faculty drawn from other Division of Science departments. Biochemistry PhD students can rotate through the labs of any faculty member listed here.

Expertise: Cellular organization and behavior in the Archaea domain of life.

Expertise: Regulation of protein phosphatases and the evolution of cellular signaling.

Expertise: Self-organization of Living and Active matter.

Expertise: Oscillating chemical reactions and pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems. Mathematical modeling of biochemical kinetics and neural systems.

Expertise: Scientific computing, fluid dynamics and mathematical biology.

Expertise: Macromolecules in suspension; physics of protein crystallization; microfluidics

Expertise: Single-molecule biochemistry and biophysics; transcription and RNA processing; cytoskeletal networks and regulation

Expertise: Cytoskeletal mechanisms controlling cell morphogenesis.

Expertise: Biochemistry of synaptic plasticity.

Expertise: Application of statistical mechanics, modern computational techniques, and theory to problems in biology and condensed matter physics; assembly of viral capsids and other large protein complexes; pattern formation in collections of internally driven particles; effects of molecular chirality on large-scale structure

Expertise: Design of targeted protein degraders; antibiotic discovery; enzyme structure-function studies.

Expertise: Structures, mechanisms, and evolution of cell death nanomachines
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Expertise: Molecular neurobiology and RNA metabolism.

Expertise: Mechanisms for control of mitochondrial protein activity, quality and lifespan

Expertise: Condensed matter theory and quantitative biology; application of condensed matter physics models to problems in molecular and cell biology such as regulation of gene expression and chromosome structure

Expertise: Chemical glycobiology and organic chemistry

Expertise: Genetics and molecular biology of bacteria and yeast.

Expertise: Gene expression in cellular stress responses.

Expertise: Mitochondrial genetics and metabolism in health and neurodegenerative disease

Expertise: Structure-function studies of visual pigments and other cell surface receptors

Expertise: Mapping the functional repertoire of (bio)inorganic systems and protein metallocofactors; paradigms of (bio)catalysts relevant to the human health and environment

Expertise: Molecular mechanisms of synaptic development.

Expertise: Biological redox enzymes structure and mechanism

Expertise: Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance; single molecule approaches to study chromatin associated factors in vitro and in cells.

Expertise: Endosomal membrane traffic in neurons.

Expertise: Self-assembly at the colloidal length scale

Expertise: Circadian Rhythms, Behavior, and Gene Expression

Expertise: Solid-state NMR and structure determination of complex materials, including fuel-cell membranes, semicrystalline polymers, carbon materials, nanocomposites, natural organic matter, and thermoelectrics; NMR technique development; basic thermodynamics

Expertise: Mechanisms of protein folding in the cell

Expertise: Evolution, structure, and function of macromolecular complexes

Expertise: Total synthesis of natural products. Chemoselective functionalization of peptides. Genome mining and natural product biosynthesis.

Expertise: New molecular materials and nanomaterials for the exploration in biomedicine (e.g., molecular drug delivery, cancer therapy, biomedical diagnostics, and biomimetics) and other fundamental problems in nanoscience and biological science.

Expertise: Non-precious metal catalysis directed towards organic synthesis. Translational synthetic chemistry. Discovery of new disease targets and therapeutic probes in human biology.

Expertise: Mechanics of cell and tissue development, collective behaviors in living systems