BNS 2024 Schedule
1-1:15 pm Introduction/Welcome
1:15-2:40 pm Panel 1: Making and Reading History
- Nasser Mufti, How to Read a Historical Novel, According to “Milkman”
- Siân White, From Specificity to Some Distant Warning
- Sarah Townsend, The Transgressive Pleasure of Reading-While-Woman
- Moderator: John Plotz, English, Brandeis University
2:40-2:50 pm Break
2:50-4:15 pm Panel 2: Visibility and Surveillance
- Annabel Barry, The Feminist Politics of Indirect Speech Acts in “Milkman”
- Paige Reynolds, Too Much and Too Little: Age and Female Visibility in Anna Burns' “Milkman”
- Mary Burke, “Somebody McSomebody” or “Somebody MacSomebody”?: Surnames, Sectarianism, and Surveillance
- Moderator: Laura Green, English, Northeastern University
4:15-4:25 pm Break
4:25-6 pm Panel 3: Policing and Resisting Boundaries
- Mindi McMann, No Trespassing: Navigating and Transgressing Borders
- Jeewon Yoo, Beyond the Pale, Across the World: Anna Burns’ “Milkman” and the Global Style of Partition
- Nanya Jhingran, In my Complex, Unbidden Moments: Geographies of Sexual Violence and Prepositional Paranoia in Anna Burns’ “Milkman”
- Moderator: Howie Tam, English, Brandeis University
6-6:30 pm Reception (traditionally including a lively discussion of next year’s BNS novel)