Contact Us

Rabb BuildingThe Department of English is located in the Rabb Building (Room 144) in the Mandel Quad. Get directions to our offices and the Brandeis campus.

Department of English
Brandeis University
Mailstop 023
415 South Street
Waltham, Massachusetts 02453

Phone: 781-736-2130


Lisa Pannella
Academic Administrator
781-736-2130 Rabb 144


John Burt
John Burt
Department Chair
Paul E. Prosswimmer Professor of American Literature
781-736-2158 Rabb 141
John Plotz
John Plotz
Director of Graduate Studies
Barbara Mandel Professor of the Humanities
781-736-2621 Rabb 264
David Sherman
David Sherman
Undergraduate Advising Head
Associate Professor of English
781-736-8214 Rabb 136
Elizabeth Bradfield
Elizabeth Bradfield
Co-Director of Creative Writing
781-736-2145 Rabb 206

Pronunciation: Elizabeth Bradfield

Stephen McCauley
Stephen McCauley
Co-Director of Creative Writing
781-736-8213 Rabb 266b