Department of English

Dawn Skorczewski

Dawn SkorczewskiProfessor of English
PhD, Rutgers University

Research Interests

Teaching of writing, Holocaust education, 20th-century American, psychoanalysis and pedagogy, psychoanalysis and literature, contemporary poetry, narrative medicine

Selected PublicationsAn Accident of Hope book cover

  • "An Accident of Hope: The Therapy Tapes of Anne Sexton." Routledge, 2012.
  • "Teaching One Moment at a Time: Disruption and Repair in the Classroom." Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2005.
  • "Conflicts and Crises in the Composition Classroom," co-edited with Matthew Parfitt. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2003.
  • "Anne Sexton's Therapy Tapes : November 1963." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, (2010) :38.
  • "From Confession to Testimony: Refiguring Trauma in the Classroom." Compelling Confessions: The Politics of Personal Disclosure, ed. Suzanne Diamond. Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 2010.
  • "Analyst as Teacher/Teacher as Analyst: A Confusion of Tongues?" Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, (2008): 30.
  • "Psychoanalytic Education: An Educator's Perspective." The American Psychoanalyst, May 2007.
  • "Getting Attica out of Her Mind: A Psychoanalytic Memoir." American Imago, Fall 2005 (with Anni Bergman).
  • "Questioning Authority in the Psychoanalytic Classroom." Psychoanalytic Quarterly, April 2004.


  • Fulbright Scholar, Amsterdam, 2013 (Professor of American Culture)
  • CORST Prize for Interdisciplinary Essay on Psychoanalysis, American Psychoanalytic Association, 2010
  • Gondor Award for Contributions to Psychoanalytic Education, 2007

Selected Courses Taught

  • Classroom Pedagogy and the Teaching of Writing (ENG 299b)
  • Trauma and Memory in the Literary Imagination (USEM 51a)
  • The Art of Flirtation: Reading Romance from Pride and Prejudice to Harry Potter (ENG 20b)
  • Writing the Holocaust (ENG 18b)
  • Women and Madness (ENG 58b)